mercredi 9 décembre 2015

Hair and dresses (more )
CloudFlare was ranked in the 7th rank among the top 50 Bad Hosts by Host Exploit. The service has been used by Rescator, a website that sells payment card data;
Two of ISIS' top three online chat forums are guarded by CloudFlare but U.S. law enforcement has not asked them to discontinue the service.
An October 2015 report found that CloudFlare provisioned 40% of SSL certificates used by phishing sites.
On November 19th, 2015, Anonymous discouraged the use of CloudFlare's services, following the ISIS attacks in Paris and renewed accusation of providing help to terrorists.

Bowie, seller of transhumanisme and aliens? It doesn't matter what's believed as long as it is belief ?? Or  “the side-effect of cocaine” ??
And a line to the lama,]

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