dimanche 31 mars 2013

under construction

Most of the study on these fossils was done by Davidson Black until his death in 1934. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin took over until Franz Weidenreich replaced him and studied the fossils until he left China in 1941. The original fossils disappeared in 1941 during World War II, but excellent casts and descriptions remain.


Swedish geologist Johan Gunnar Andersson and American palaeontologist Walter W. Granger came to Zhoukoudian, China in search of prehistoric fossils in 1921. They were directed to the site at Dragon Bone Hill by local quarrymen, where Andersson recognised deposits of quartz that were not native to the area. Immediately realising the importance of this find he turned to his colleague and announced, "Here is primitive man; now all we have to do is find him!"
Excavation work was begun immediately by Andersson's assistant Austrian palaeontologist Otto Zdansky, who found what appeared to be a fossilised human molar. He returned to the site in 1923, and materials excavated in the two subsequent digs were sent to Uppsala University in Sweden for analysis. In 1926 Andersson announced the discovery of two human molars in this material, and Zdansky published his findings.
Canadian anatomist Davidson Black of Peking Union Medical College, excited by Andersson and Zdansky’s find, secured funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and recommenced excavations at the site in 1927 with both Western and Chinese scientists. Swedish palaeontologist Anders Birger Bohlin unearthed a tooth that fall, and Black placed it in a gold locket on his watch chain.
Black published his analysis in the journal Nature, identifying his find as belonging to a new species and genus which he named Sinanthropus pekinensis, but many fellow scientists were skeptical about such an identification on the basis of a single tooth, and the foundation demanded more specimens before it grant additional money.
A lower jaw, several teeth, and skull fragments were unearthed in 1928. Black presented these finds to the foundation and was rewarded with an $80,000 grant that he used to establish the Cenozoic Research Laboratory.
Excavations at the site under the supervision of Chinese archaeologists Yang Zhongjian, Pei Wenzhong, and Jia Lanpo uncovered 200 human fossils (including six nearly complete skullcaps) from more than 40 individual specimens. These excavations came to an end in 1937 with the Japanese invasion.
Fossils of Peking Man were placed in the safe at the Cenozoic Research Laboratory of the Peking Union Medical College. Eventually, in November 1941, secretary Hu Chengzi packed the fossils so that they could be sent to USA for safekeeping until the end of the war. The fossils vanished en route to the port city of Qinhuangdao in northern China.
There are various theories about the fate of the bones. One theory states that the bones sank with the Japanese ship, Awa Maru, in 1945. Three of the teeth can, however, be found at the Paleontological Museum of Uppsala University.

CT scans would also allow us to peer inside the skulls. The middle ear's shape could tell us about Peking Man's ability to discriminate between frequencies relevant for spoken language. While this doesn't prove they had language, it would suggest they had one of the right adaptations, and help to pinpoint when human language emerged. The Peking Man, then, remains one of science's most important missing persons.

 when losing the facts is very convienient
The Piltdown man fraud significantly affected early research on human evolution. Notably, it led scientists down a blind alley in the belief that the human brain expanded in size before the jaw adapted to new types of food. Discoveries of Australopithecine fossils such as the Taung child found by Raymond Dart during the 1920s in South Africa were ignored due to the support for Piltdown man as "the missing link", and the reconstruction of human evolution was confused for decades. The examination and debate over Piltdown man caused a vast expenditure of time and effort on the fossil, with an estimated 250+ papers written on the topic.
The fossil was introduced as evidence by Clarence Darrow in defense of John Scopes during the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. Darrow died in 1938, fifteen years before Piltdown Man was exposed as a fraud.
The hoax is often cited (along with Nebraska Man) by creationists as an example of the dishonesty of paleontologists that study human evolution, despite the fact that scientists themselves had exposed the hoax.
In November 2003, the Natural History Museum in London held an exhibition to mark the 50th anniversary of its exposure
Site: The famous Peking Man skull went missing after in 1941 when it was being transported to the U.S. from China during WWII. Scientists have revisited the site to discover more details about our ancient ancestor
after  bad science being done at the Piltdown man
en route for fame
               * * *       
Fr. de Chardin
is the progenator and agent of the Vatican for implementation of Liberation Theology
and a single Gaia based religion worldwide to the exclusion of all others, and that
Fr. de Chardin promulgated the rise of Mao Tse-tung in China from 1929 in coordination with
Fr. Pedro de Arrupe de Gondra then of Nagasaki Japan, who both after the War
were deployed by the Vatican, Fr. Arrupe to Rome and Fr. de Chardin to the New York
Province of the Society of Jesus under Cardinal Spellman and
Fr. Vincent O’Keefe S.J. of Fordham University.
(niet zo duideluk waar dit vandaan komt)
fait divers:
. C'est le père Teilhard de Chardin en personne qui intervient directement auprès de Tchang Kaï-Chek pour que celui-ci donne l'ordre de laisser passer les Français. A l'ombre de la grande muraille, le convoi s'ébranle enfin...
Nouvelles Clés N° 33, Yi King,Teilhard de Chardin,Dalai Lama,Tao,spiritualité
nb il est difficile de trouver vraiment qqc qui peut prouver qqc , mais le doute me semble justifié



mercredi 20 mars 2013

The politics of pubic hair: why is a generation choosing to go bare down there?

Shaved genitals have somehow become the new normal for an entire generation of women. Surely it’s time we asked why. Louisa Saunders ponders the politics of pubic hair

dimanche 17 mars 2013

malbouffe , bigbouffe

Anarchism Triumphant: Free Software and the Death of Copyright
How the Internet and free software render copyrights useless, dooming them much as capitalism doomed slavery. (did it ?)

Weight Watchers est né aux États-Unis en 1963. Après avoir essayé de nombreux régimes amaigrissants, Jean Nidetch (en), femme au foyer de Brooklyn qui pèse alors 107 kg, a l’idée en septembre 1961 de réunir des amies dans la même situation pour échanger avec elles idées et motivation. Devant les résultats obtenus, elle décide, avec l’appui de financiers et le soutien de médecins et nutritionnistes, de créer sa propre société deule 15 mai 1963, Your Weight (« Votre poids »), rapidement renommée en Weight Watchers International.
Weight Watchers s’est implantée en Allemagne en 1970, en France en 1973 et en Suisse et Belgique en 1974.
De 1978 à 1999, elle appartient au groupe agroalimentaire américain H. J. Heinz avec qui elle élabore depuis 1992 une ligne de plats cuisinés, la Weight Watchers Food. En 1999, elle est revendue 735 millions $ au groupe européen Artal détenu par les familles belges Wittouck et Ullens de Schooten, l'ensemble étant depuis géré non par ces familles en direct, mais par la société Invus de l'homme d'affaires Raymond Debbane.
En 2001, elle est introduite au New York Stock Exchange. Le développement de Weight Watchers est ralenti en 2003 et 2004 par le succès du groupe Atkins Nutritionals (en). En 2010, Weight Watchers signe un partenariat controversé avec McDonald's en Nouvelle-Zélande. En décembre 2012, la société change de logo, le dégradé monochrome du nouveau logo illustrant la perte de poids. En 2013, la société Weight Watchers, présente dans une quarantaine de pays, est devenue le leader mondial des services liés à la perte de poids, organisant chaque semaine 50 000 réunions accueillant 1,4 million de membres.


Un jackpot pour les actionnaires belges

Les Echos n° 19533 du 03 Novembre 2005 • page 9
Weight Watchers constitue le fleuron du portefeuille d'actifs des très discrètes familles belges Wittouck et Ullens



samedi 16 mars 2013

bijen en wespen


 eerste plaatje overblijfsel van dode bij
Dead_bee_winter.JPG width=500

 solitairebij.jpg width=500 
de solitaire bijen vliegen al vroeg in het voorjaar ,wonen bv in een muur maar je kan ook woongelegenheid aanbieden in de vorm van een bijenhuis: Dat kan heel eenvoudig door gaatjes te boren in een blokje hard hout. De gaatjes moeten zo’n 10 cm diep zijn en 2 tot 9 mm breed. Maak ze toe aan één kant zodat het niet gaat tochten in het bijenhuisje. Een bundeltje bamboe werkt ook. Hang het huisje op een zonnige plek en bevestig het aan een boom, hek of balkon. Zijn er bloemen in de buurt, dan zullen de bijen er graag komen wonen


hommel[1].jpg?1314180140 width=500
Veldwesp bezig met het bouwen van een nest



Wespenbiene Nomada succincta 2.jpg


De familie van Apoidea kent ook enkele geslachten die wat betreft de voortplanting parasiteren op andere solitaire bijen (broedparasitisme). Zij leggen een ei in het nest van een andere solitaire bij. We noemen ze koekoeksbijen of koekoekshommels. Enkele voorbeelden van die geslachten: bloedbijen, kegelbijen, viltbijen en wespbijen.. Dit laatste geslacht kent een paar soorten die veel op wespen lijken om zo aan roofdieren te ontsnappen, ook wel mimicry genoemd.

Diplazon laetatorius Onderfamilie Diplazontinae. Familie Gewone sluipwespen. Ichneumonidae.


File:Anthophora plumipes02.jpg 
mooie fotocollectie http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruche  @ En Afrique


vendredi 8 mars 2013



Etats-Unis : John Brennan confirmé à la tête de la CIA

John Brennan a été confirmé, jeudi 7 mars, à la tête de l'Agence centrale du renseignement (CIA) par un vote du Sénat, deux mois après sa nomination par Barack Obama et au lendemain d'une obstruction historiquement longue d'un élu républicain sur la question des drones.

"Avec les 25 ans d'expérience de John à l'agence, nos hommes et femmes extraordinaires de la CIA seront dirigés par l'un des leurs", s'est félicité le président Barack Obama dans un communiqué.
Les sénateurs ont voté par 63 voix contre 34 en faveur de John Brennan, 57 ans, actuellement principal conseiller de Barack Obama pour la lutte contre le terrorisme.

ROYAUME-UNI Le Pentagone derrière les centres de torture en Irak

 Le quotidien révèle, ce jeudi 7 mars, l'implication du Pentagone dans les actes de torture commis par les "commandos spéciaux de la police" en Irak. Ces unités d'élite formées en 2004 avaient pour objectif de mater l'insurrection sunnite. Elles ont créé des centres de détention secrète, commettant "certains des pires actes de torture sous l'occupation américaine" et "accélérant la plongée du pays dans une véritable guerre civile". Le Pentagone aurait envoyé, d'après The Guardian, un vétéran des "sales guerres" d'Amérique centrale, James Steele, pour superviser ces commandos.

dimanche 3 mars 2013

Job in de Tenach

File:William Blake 007.jpg 
          William Blake

 In de Tenach wordt Job beschreven als een gezegend, rijk man, die Godvrezend is. God staat satan toe hem te gronde te richten. Job verliest zijn hele hebben en houden; zijn kinderen, zijn rijkdom en zijn gezondheid. Hij wordt tot het uiterste op de proef gesteld, maar blijft aan zijn geloof vasthouden. Het grootste deel van het boek Job is de poëtische weergave van een gesprek tussen Job en drie vrienden. Deze vrienden houden vol dat Jobs noodlot het gevolg is van diens zonden, Job betuigt zijn onschuld. Job wordt uiteindelijk openlijk door God in zijn eer hersteld, zijn vrienden hadden het niet bij het rechte eind. Job leeft hierna nog 140 jaar, over zijn uiteindelijke leeftijd wordt niet geschreven.

 Binnen het jodendom wordt Iyyov gezien als een sterke persoonlijkheid en er zijn opvattingen dat hij een der drie adviseurs van de farao zou zijn geweest ten tijde van de geboorte van Mosje. Volgens een vertelling uit de Talmoed zou Job hebben gezwegen omtrent het doden van mannelijke baby's, waarop God hem gestraft zou hebben.

  "My dear friend,” I said, “suicide can never be a mass movement.”
“How can you be so sure? What was the Battle of Verdun if not mass suicide?”
“People there hoped for victory.”
“What victory? They stationed a hundred thousand men and were left with sixty thousand graves.”
“Some survived. Some received medals.”
“Perhaps we should create a suicide medal?”
“You’ve remained a world-saver,” I said. “Suicide is committed alone, not with partners.”
“I read somewhere that in America there are suicide clubs.”
“For the rich, not for the poor.”
He laughed and exposed a toothless grin. He spat out his cigarette butt and stepped on it.
“So what should I do?” he asked. “Become rich? Perhaps I should. It would, actually, be like Job.”
   from : www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/books/2012/08/job-isaac-bashevis-singer.html


The theme of the biblical Book of Job is the “sufferings of the just,” and the topic–the case, we might say–of Job seemed to possess Jung. For although he subsequently studies in Answer to Job the evolution of the God-image grounded in Daniel, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes (and the apocryphal Ecclesiasticus), and Revelation, the core of Jung’s discussion is the plight of Job himself and God’s response to it. For the nonreligious, the Book of Job can be read as not only about the just and the religiously faithful, but about the sufferings of the innocent, regardless of religious persuasion. God takes everything from Job, and the biblical book is a lament, much like many of the psalms, which come just after it in the Bible. The psalms, of course, have many dimensions, but the psalmist(s), like Job, often wonder what they have done to deserve their various plights and repeatedly ask when, after all, God will finally make an appearance to save them from “the Pit,” crush their enemies, forgive them, and so on (“How long, O Lord?”). The feeling in many of the psalms, and certainly the feeling of Job, resembles those guilt-ridden and helpless-feeling dreams where one seems unfairly accused of a crime and protests one’s innocence in vain. As Job says, “ I know I am not what I am thought to be” (9:35), “You know that I am not guilty” (10:7), and, more hopefully, “I know that my redeemer [vindicator] liveth” (19:25).
God as Narcissist
 Job’s innocence is indeed righteous, and the tricky thing about his unfair fate, as Jung zeroes in on, is that the Devil made God do it. Somewhat like the serpent manipulating the first woman and man in the Garden of Eden, Satan challenges God to test Job’s faith by inflicting maximum suffering on this innocent civilian. Satan bets God that Job will then “curse thee to thy face.” God takes the wager, at the obvious and total expense of Job.

samedi 2 mars 2013


ignorance is bliss ? wanen en de oude spoken-
de schimmen uit het verleden zijn zo talrijk dat ze dreigen uit te breken
don Quichot by Gustave Doré / de magier (tarot) ongeordend
File:Gustave Doré - Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote - Part 1 - Chapter 1 - Plate 1 "A world of disorderly notions, picked out of his books, crowded into his imagination".jpg
 Als Emmenagogum (von gr. ἔμμηνος émmenos „im Monat, monatlich“, ἐμμήνια emménia „Menstruation“ und ἀγωγός agogós „führend“) wird eine Arznei bezeichnet, die den Eintritt der Monatsblutung anregt. Es wird zwischen inneren und äußeren Emmenagoga unterschieden. Bei einigen innerlich angewandten Emmenagoga besteht bei höherer Dosierung die Gefahr, dass sie im Falle einer Schwangerschaft abortiv wirken.
De naam is afgeleid van het gebruik door vroedvrouwen om weeën op gang te brengen met behulp van deze schimmel. Het enige toepassingsgebied in de huidige geneeskunde is bij bloedverlies na de bevalling, om de baarmoeder samen te laten trekken

 Ruta graveolens, commonly known as rue, common rue or Herb-of-Grace, is a species of Ruta grown as a herb. It is native to the Balkan Peninsula, southeastern Europe. It is now grown throughout the world as an ornamental plant in gardens, especially because of its bluish leaves, and also sometimes for its tolerance of hot and dry soil conditions. It also is cultivated as a medicinal herb, as a condiment, and to a lesser extent as an insect repellent.

Traditional use
 Common Rue is said to promote the onset of menstruation and of uterine contractions; for this reason the refined oil of rue was cited by the Roman historian Pliny the Elder and the gynecologist Soranus as a potent abortifacient (inducing abortion). Rue contains pilocarpine which is used in horses to induce abortion.(W)

Wijnruit bloemen Ruta graveolens.jpg


books.google.fr/books?id=zzY6qjOpSoEC&pg=PA84&lpg=PA84&dq=pont+saint+esprit+and+cia&source=bl&ots=dc91VOt1Ek&sig=4wV-ZoR8rpq646WBpgg7A07OPJI&hl=fr&sa=X&ei=UykyUajfEsyY1AXNrIDYAw&ved=0CGMQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=pont saint esprit and cia&f=false

vendredi 1 mars 2013

Corps à vendre en pièces détachées...

 Des organes au sang, en passant par les tissus et les fameuses cellules souches, les éléments du "kit" humain font l'objet d'un étonnant commerce à travers la planète. Ce marché en pleine expansion pose bien des questions éthiques, à l'heure où la science peut régénérer des pans entiers du vivant.

openeye.99k.org/The Transhumanist Agenda.html