(from the making of history to the making of future ?)
Van het boekje ’ Het verschijnsel mens’ intrigeerde de achterflap
waarop vermeld stond dat de schrijver een jesuiet was en in China
(Peking) werkzaam was (geweest), nu had ik toevallig in een ander boekje
gelezen dat de paleontologie in Peking door de Rockefeller foundation
gefinancierd werd , dus de moeite waard om eens goed op te letten.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest-theologian and a distinguished geologist-paleontologist, who was born in France in 1881 and died in New York City in 1955. Following teaching posts in Paris and Cairo, he was assigned to China for many years. In China, Teilhard became imbued with a vision of working to build the future.
Teilhard opines that the destiny of man is to culminate into a consciousness of the species.
This consciousness of mankind will ultimately become the “thinking layer of the earth,” which Teilhard calls the *noosphere.*
Cosmic evolution will not cease with the noosphere. Teilhard does not consider the human species to be the epitome of the universe; rather, he believes that Nature provides us with yet another evolutionary opening…that of a “super-soul above our souls.” The whole “gigantic psycho-biological operation” of cosmic evolution points toward a “mega-synthesis” of all the thinking elements of the earth forcing an entree into the realm of the super-human.
Teilhard refers to the super-human as the Omega Point. It is, for him, the apex of cosmic evolution. Teilhard, scientifically speaking, can only imagine what the reality of Omega might be like…a *pure conscious energy.* Teilhard proclaims this cosmic energy almost in the mode of poetry. “In the discovery of the sidereal world, so vast that it seems to do away with all proportion between our own being and the dimensions of the cosmos around us, only one reality seems to survive and be capable of succeeding and spanning the infinitesimal and the immense: energy… that floating, universal entity from which all emerges and into which all falls back as into an ocean; energy…the new spirit; energy…the new god.
Het oude boekje blijkt toch nog in de belangstelling te staan
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin: Father Of The New Age Movement
The aim of the article below is to, hopefully, highlight just a few of the connections between the Vatican, the New Age movement, the United Nations and the wider New World Order agenda by taking a look at palaeontologist and French Jesuit, Catholic, priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
In the influential and very successful book “The Aquarian Conspiracy”, by Marilyn Ferguson, a survey of new agers showed that the leading influence on their spiritual ‘awakening’ was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The book itself was described as a “handbook for the new age” that “sought a paradigm shift in global consciousness”.
Gary Kah, in his book ‘En Route to Global Occupation’ (p. 41), said of Chardin:
“[He] is one of the most frequently quoted writers by leading New Age occultists.”
A claim further supported by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon, in their book ‘The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days’ (p. 80) when they said:
“Teilhard dreamed of humanity merging into ‘God’ and each realising his own godhood at the Omega point. This belief has inspired many of today’s New Age leaders.”
From the above quotes it’s easy to see how Chardin became known as the ‘Father of the New Age’. We also catch an early glimpse of a spiritual belief system that is almost identical to the ‘one consciousness’ or ‘we are all one’ beliefs of David Icke and others in the ‘truth’ and ‘new age’ movements. A point emphasised by Chardin himself when he said:
“I can be saved only by becoming one with the universe.”
Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was among the first to give serious consideration to the future of human evolution. His work advocates both biotechnologies (e.g., genetic engineering) and intelligence technologies. He discusses the emergence of a global computation-communication system (and is said by some to have been the first to have envisioned the Internet). He advocates the development of a global society. Teilhard is almost surely the first to discuss the acceleration of technological progress to a Singularity in which human intelligence will become super-intelligence. He discusses the spread of human intelligence into the universe and its amplification into a cosmic intelligence. More recently, his work has been taken up by Barrow and Tipler; Tipler; Moravec; and Kurzweil. Of course, Teilhard’s Omega Point Theory is deeply Christian, which may be difficult for secular transhumanists. But transhumanism cannot avoid a fateful engagement with Christianity. Christian institutions may support or oppose transhumanism. Since Christianity is an extremely powerful cultural force in the West, it is imperative for transhumanism to engage it carefully. A serious study of Teilhard can help that engagement and will thus be rewarding to both communities.
The Inhumanity of Teilhard de Chardin
At this point, it must be admitted that one of the most serious criticisms of Teilhard bears precisely on this point: an optimism which tends to look at existential evil and suffering through the small end of the telescope. It is unfortunately true that Teilhard, like many other Christians, regarded the dead and wounded of Hiroshima with a certain equanimity as inevitable by-products of scientific and evolutionary progress. He was much more impressed with the magnificent scientific achievement of the atomic physicists than he was with the consequences of dropping the bomb. It must be added immediately that the physicists themselves did not all see things exactly as he did. The concern of a Niels Bohr and his dogged struggle to prevent the atomic arms race put Bohr with Rieux and Tarrou in the category of “Sisyphean” heroes that are entirely congenial to Camus. After the Bikini test, Teilhard exclaimed that the new bombs “show a humanity which is at peace both internally [217] and externally.” And he added beatifically, “they announce the coming of the spirit on earth.” (L’Avenir de l’homme)
Both Camus and Teilhard firmly took their stand on what they considered to be the side of life. Both saw humanity confronted with a final choice, a “grand option,” between the “spirit of force” and the “spirit of love,” between “division” and “convergence.” Man’s destiny is in his own hands, and everything depends on whether he chooses life and creativity or death and destruction. Teilhard’s scientific mystique and long-range view, extending over millennia, naturally did not delay overlong to worry about the death of a few thousands here and there. Camus could still pause and have scruples over the murder of an innocent child. He refused to justify that death in the name of God. He also refused to justify it by an appeal to history, to evolution, to science, to politics, or to the glorious future of the new man.
In short, Teilhard de Chardin’s devotion to the powerful generalities of modernity blinded him to the plight of particular men living in the world.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest-theologian and a distinguished geologist-paleontologist, who was born in France in 1881 and died in New York City in 1955. Following teaching posts in Paris and Cairo, he was assigned to China for many years. In China, Teilhard became imbued with a vision of working to build the future.
Teilhard opines that the destiny of man is to culminate into a consciousness of the species.
This consciousness of mankind will ultimately become the “thinking layer of the earth,” which Teilhard calls the *noosphere.*
Cosmic evolution will not cease with the noosphere. Teilhard does not consider the human species to be the epitome of the universe; rather, he believes that Nature provides us with yet another evolutionary opening…that of a “super-soul above our souls.” The whole “gigantic psycho-biological operation” of cosmic evolution points toward a “mega-synthesis” of all the thinking elements of the earth forcing an entree into the realm of the super-human.
Teilhard refers to the super-human as the Omega Point. It is, for him, the apex of cosmic evolution. Teilhard, scientifically speaking, can only imagine what the reality of Omega might be like…a *pure conscious energy.* Teilhard proclaims this cosmic energy almost in the mode of poetry. “In the discovery of the sidereal world, so vast that it seems to do away with all proportion between our own being and the dimensions of the cosmos around us, only one reality seems to survive and be capable of succeeding and spanning the infinitesimal and the immense: energy… that floating, universal entity from which all emerges and into which all falls back as into an ocean; energy…the new spirit; energy…the new god.
Het oude boekje blijkt toch nog in de belangstelling te staan
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin: Father Of The New Age Movement
The aim of the article below is to, hopefully, highlight just a few of the connections between the Vatican, the New Age movement, the United Nations and the wider New World Order agenda by taking a look at palaeontologist and French Jesuit, Catholic, priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
In the influential and very successful book “The Aquarian Conspiracy”, by Marilyn Ferguson, a survey of new agers showed that the leading influence on their spiritual ‘awakening’ was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The book itself was described as a “handbook for the new age” that “sought a paradigm shift in global consciousness”.
Gary Kah, in his book ‘En Route to Global Occupation’ (p. 41), said of Chardin:
“[He] is one of the most frequently quoted writers by leading New Age occultists.”
A claim further supported by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon, in their book ‘The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days’ (p. 80) when they said:
“Teilhard dreamed of humanity merging into ‘God’ and each realising his own godhood at the Omega point. This belief has inspired many of today’s New Age leaders.”
From the above quotes it’s easy to see how Chardin became known as the ‘Father of the New Age’. We also catch an early glimpse of a spiritual belief system that is almost identical to the ‘one consciousness’ or ‘we are all one’ beliefs of David Icke and others in the ‘truth’ and ‘new age’ movements. A point emphasised by Chardin himself when he said:
“I can be saved only by becoming one with the universe.”
Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was among the first to give serious consideration to the future of human evolution. His work advocates both biotechnologies (e.g., genetic engineering) and intelligence technologies. He discusses the emergence of a global computation-communication system (and is said by some to have been the first to have envisioned the Internet). He advocates the development of a global society. Teilhard is almost surely the first to discuss the acceleration of technological progress to a Singularity in which human intelligence will become super-intelligence. He discusses the spread of human intelligence into the universe and its amplification into a cosmic intelligence. More recently, his work has been taken up by Barrow and Tipler; Tipler; Moravec; and Kurzweil. Of course, Teilhard’s Omega Point Theory is deeply Christian, which may be difficult for secular transhumanists. But transhumanism cannot avoid a fateful engagement with Christianity. Christian institutions may support or oppose transhumanism. Since Christianity is an extremely powerful cultural force in the West, it is imperative for transhumanism to engage it carefully. A serious study of Teilhard can help that engagement and will thus be rewarding to both communities.
The Inhumanity of Teilhard de Chardin
At this point, it must be admitted that one of the most serious criticisms of Teilhard bears precisely on this point: an optimism which tends to look at existential evil and suffering through the small end of the telescope. It is unfortunately true that Teilhard, like many other Christians, regarded the dead and wounded of Hiroshima with a certain equanimity as inevitable by-products of scientific and evolutionary progress. He was much more impressed with the magnificent scientific achievement of the atomic physicists than he was with the consequences of dropping the bomb. It must be added immediately that the physicists themselves did not all see things exactly as he did. The concern of a Niels Bohr and his dogged struggle to prevent the atomic arms race put Bohr with Rieux and Tarrou in the category of “Sisyphean” heroes that are entirely congenial to Camus. After the Bikini test, Teilhard exclaimed that the new bombs “show a humanity which is at peace both internally [217] and externally.” And he added beatifically, “they announce the coming of the spirit on earth.” (L’Avenir de l’homme)
Both Camus and Teilhard firmly took their stand on what they considered to be the side of life. Both saw humanity confronted with a final choice, a “grand option,” between the “spirit of force” and the “spirit of love,” between “division” and “convergence.” Man’s destiny is in his own hands, and everything depends on whether he chooses life and creativity or death and destruction. Teilhard’s scientific mystique and long-range view, extending over millennia, naturally did not delay overlong to worry about the death of a few thousands here and there. Camus could still pause and have scruples over the murder of an innocent child. He refused to justify that death in the name of God. He also refused to justify it by an appeal to history, to evolution, to science, to politics, or to the glorious future of the new man.
In short, Teilhard de Chardin’s devotion to the powerful generalities of modernity blinded him to the plight of particular men living in the world.
engeland viert vandaag de 100e verjaardag van Alan Turing ,

Jan van Eyck
When Clive Prince contacted me in May 1995 to contribute certain material for the then not yet published “The Templar Revelation” – which since has gone on to inspire the likes of Dan Brown – I also became introduced to the idea of the existence of an “underground heretical stream” that ran throughout Western society. This “resistance movement” was attacking the Christian religion, though not openly. Clive and his co-author Lynn Picknett had begun to pay particular reference to the Florentine painter Leonardo da Vinci. Some months later, my attention was drawn to a painting by Jan Van Eyck, “The Adoration of the Lamb”. In 1993, I had helped in the production and publication of a pivotal book on the theft of one panel of this painting, “The Just Judges”, which is one of the great unsolved crimes of the 20th century. Soon, evidence began to collate that drew us to the conclusion that if Leonardo da Vinci had been exposed to a secret doctrine about an alternative point of view on Christianity, Van Eyck seemed to be too – if not more so.
Art historians have designated this 14th century Flemish painter as the founder of the “Flemish Primitives”, which was a new style of art that would revolutionise painting ever after. What singled out Van Eyck and Da Vinci was that both were using oil paints in a manner unlike anyone else at that moment in time. Decades ago, art historians had speculated that both men were somehow aware of or communicating with each other, and exchanges details about their oil paints. Indeed, Van Eyck would, for a long time, be seen as the inventor of the oil painting technique, though it is now known that he was “merely” the first who brought its techniques to unrivalled heights. His innovative mastery of painting with oil rather than water would find its way to Italy, where it entered the Verrocchio study in Florence, where the likes of Leonardo learned to master it. This trail from Flanders to Florence is an intriguing connection, in which there was an exchange of techniques – trade secrets – passed on between colleagues, but not between Leonardo and Van Eyck, but, it seems, between Verrocchio’s studio and Van Eyck. But were it merely trade secrets that were passed on, or also other knowledge – maybe even heretical, dangerous knowledge?
The politics of pubic hair: why is a generation choosing to go bare down there?

Shaved genitals have somehow become the new normal for an entire generation of women. Surely it’s time we asked why. Louisa Saunders ponders the politics of pubic hair.
Last weekend, I went to see my daughter in a university production of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, the successful and somewhat cultish play that brings the V-word out from the shadows. On the way in, we were offered marker pens and encouraged to write on a large sheet of paper what our vaginas would say if they could talk.
My younger daughter and I were a little too British to give this novel gimmick our full attention, but I watched what the other women in the audience wrote. “Oh, hang on while I clear the cobwebs away.” “Talk about a lean period.” But then I saw that someone among the largely student, and presumably broadly feminist, audience had written, “I need a shave.” I snatched up a pen and replied (though never having conversed with a vagina before), “No you DON’T.”
Tentatively raising the matter in conversation with younger women, I expected that some of them might share my bewilderment with this still fairly new fad. But I was met with awkward shuffling and downcast eyes, which told me that it might be better to change the subject.
Did this begin in the pornographic industry? Or has pornography merely responded to what is fast becoming the new normal? Images of female genitalia au naturel are now in a very small minority, and a large percentage of pornographic images show no hair at all. The partial or full removal of pubic hair in pornography is so widespread, Joe Slade, professor of media and culture at Ohio University, recently told The Atlantic magazine, that there is now a niche market for those who prefer to look at the fully covered version.
Our sexual lives are a complex and personal matter and it is not my intention to question the feminist integrity of any woman who chooses to go hairless. There are those who argue that it is in some way empowering and that it is something women do for their own satisfaction – wear that vagina loud and proud. The removal of pubic hair is not confined to man-pleasing Barbies, nor even to straight women. Nevertheless, the fashion for it makes me uncomfortable. Hairless female genitalia have an obvious association, and that is with pre-pubescent girls. Where there are hairless genitalia, surely the unwelcome suggestion of the childish body is never far away.
Women, more than men, prink and preen our bodies to bend to the rules of attraction – to look more youthful and even, you could argue, more childlike. Leg-shaving, lip-reddening, eyelash-darkening, hair-lightening – all these hint at the flawless childish state. But it is adult women who have sex and, surely, adult women to whom men want to make love.
Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that, when
a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to
the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical
thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and
critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data
uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional,
rather than logical, responses. The shift from left to right brain
activity also causes the release of endorphins, the body’s own natural
opiates—thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to watching
television, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studies which have shown
that very few people are able to kick the television habit.
Every decision you make is essentially a committee act. Members chime in, options are weighed, and eventually a single proposal for action is approved by consensus. The committee, of course, is the densely knit society of neurons in your head. And ?approved by consensus? is really just a delicate way of saying that the opposition was silenced.
There?s nothing new about the militarization of brain science. Ten years ago, when I was writing an article on how information is encoded in the brain, Darpa was already a major funder of research on neural coding and neural prosthetics. Darpa program manager Alan Rudolph told me back then that the agency was interested in a wide range of potential applications, including ?performance enhancement? of soldiers via either implanted or external electrodes linked to electronic devices.
So what?s changed over the past decade? Several things come to mind: First, major media have become less concerned about the militarization of brain science. A decade ago, conservative New York Times pundit William Safire worried that science might allow powerful institutions to ?hack into the wetware between our ears.? Today, few prominent journalists question Darpa?s role in the BRAIN Initative. The best critique I?ve read is by physician/blogger Peter Freed, who asserts that Pentagon funding of the BRAIN Initiative fulfills President Dwight Eisenhower?s 1961 warning about the growing power of the ?military-industrial complex.?
“An extremely important message for a society whose best-intentioned members have lost themselves in a wilderness of wishful thinking.”
“This book takes a look at the dark underbelly of ‘green energy’ and attempts to shift the U.S. dialogue to a more pressing problem: consumption.”
Productivism is the belief that measurable economic productivity and
growth is the purpose of human organization (e.g., work), and that “more
production is necessarily good”. Critiques of productivism center
primarily on the limits to growth on a finite planet and extend into
discussions of human procreation, the work ethic, and even alternative
energy production
Demented Agitprop: The Myth and Madness of Agenda 21 Conspiracy Theories
The story behind the groups that believe bike lanes and smart growth are here to steal our land and send us all to the gulag
Historian David Aaronovitch succinctly described the origination of conspiracy theories as “created by the politically defeated and accepted by the socially defeated ,” but in the case of Agenda 21, these theories are more likely to be created by political interests that are far from defeated.
Similar to the anti-Agenda 21 and Tea Party protests of today, Wise Use has a parallel history of fomenting dissent at the behest of private industry’s interests with overblown, nonsensical, and apocalyptic language against any and all environmental regulations. It is the same international, socialist, enviro-Nazi conspiracy rhetoric and coordination tactics, and the same names that are seen today
I met Stevens at the Self Reliance Expo in Mesa, Arizona, one of the nation’s leading “readiness” trade shows, where attendees (about 5,000 over two days) shop for bulletproof vests and dehydrated peas or practice suturing an open wound on a severed pig’s foot. Stevens’ cosponsorship amounts to a sort of papal blessing for the event. “He’s the bomb, he’s the godfather,” says Tony Tangalos, the Phoenix-based host of The Prepper Patch, an AM radio show. “He’s like the Elvis Presley.”
Over the past four years, Stevens has witnessed something of a renaissance, coming out of retirement to hawk an expanded edition of Basics and a water-filtering system that’s so efficient, he tells me, it could make urine taste like bottled water. The product has netted Stevens and his partner $1.5 million in profits in just over a year. And he’s far from the only one making a living off the coming collapse of civilization. Sites like Revolutionary Realty and Survival Realty list rugged properties with amenities such as a “defensible hillside location.” There are no fewer than three prepper dating sites—Survivalist Singles (“Don’t Face the Future Alone”) boasts 4,000 members, mostly male. Both the National Geographic Channel and Glenn Beck TV have gotten into the game with their reality shows Doomsday Preppers and Independence USA. The preserved food company Shelf Reliance reported a 708 percent explosion in revenues over the past three years. Overall, the size of the market for Americans expecting major disruptions caused by hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorism, pandemics, price shocks, gas shortages, civil unrest, martial law, nuclear disasters, and/or the Rapture is estimated to be $500 million.
“If the economy falls apart, people don’t have food. People who are looking for food, they’re gonna have their guns with them. People want body armor so they can protect themselves.”
Welcome to the doom boom.
Humans have been preparing for the worst for millennia, but modern Americans have turned it into an art form. At the dawn of the Atomic Age, suburbanites scrambled to build backyard shelters and the government stockpiled food in anticipation of the day after. The spiraling inflation of the 1970s brought with it a spike in gold sales and backwoods land purchases. During the Clinton years, camo-clad survivalists prepared for the black-helicopter invasion, and Y2K briefly made prepperism mainstream. But perhaps the best salesman for the notion that we’re on the verge of financial, technological, and political collapse has been the current occupant of the Oval Office. Stevens says of the president, “He is the leading promoter of this without even knowing it.”
hoog gehalte NRA: The NRA’s political activity is based on the premise that firearm ownership is a civil right protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The group has a nearly century long record of influencing as well as lobbying for or against proposed firearm legislation on behalf of its members. Observers and lawmakers see the NRA as one of the top three most influential lobbying groups in Washington.
The mystery man came over
And he said “I’m outta sight!”
He said for a nominal service charge
I could reach nirvana tonight
If I was ready, willing and able
To pay him his regular fee
He would drop all the rest of
His pressing affairs and devote
His attention to me
But I said “Look here brother
who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Now who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Look here brother, don’t waste your time on me”

Teilhard’s Gnosis: Cosmogenesis *
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest-theologian and a distinguished geologist-paleontologist, who was born in France in 1881 and died in New York City in 1955. Following teaching posts in Paris and Cairo, he was assigned to China for many years. In China, Teilhard became imbued with a vision of working to build the future.
By the future he meant more than the building up of the physical world; he envisaged the irreversible ascent, through man’s collective efforts materially and mentally, to reach what he called the Omega Point. For Teilhard the Omega was the cosmic apex, the Christ who was the Spirit of the Earth. He began writing out his ideas. Teilhard the scientist began to view the cosmos as a holistic entity in process. The foundation of his ideas is scientific, based on the principles of geological and biological evolution. Teilhard the theologian intermixed these evolutionary cosmic concepts with Christian creedal theology. Because of these innovative efforts he was considered subversive and so he was silenced by the Vatican throughout much of his adult life. His works, written over a period from 1924 to 1955, were only published after his death.
Teilhard refers to the super-human as the Omega Point. It is, for him, the apex of cosmic evolution. Teilhard, scientifically speaking, can only imagine what the reality of Omega might be like…a *pure conscious energy.* Teilhard proclaims this cosmic energy almost in the mode of poetry. “In the discovery of the sidereal world, so vast that it seems to do away with all proportion between our own being and the dimensions of the cosmos around us, only one reality seems to survive and be capable of succeeding and spanning the infinitesimal and the immense: energy… that floating, universal entity from which all emerges and into which all falls back as into an ocean; energy…the new spirit; energy…the new god.”
Gary Kah, in his book ‘En Route to Global Occupation’ (p. 41), said of Chardin:
“[He] is one of the most frequently quoted writers by leading New Age occultists.”
“Teilhard dreamed of humanity merging into ‘God’ and each realising his own godhood at the Omega point. This belief has inspired many of today’s New Age leaders.”
From the above quotes it’s easy to see how Chardin became known as the ‘Father of the New Age’. We also catch an early glimpse of a spiritual belief system that is almost identical to the ‘one consciousness’ or ‘we are all one’ beliefs of David Icke and others in the ‘truth’ and ‘new age’ movements. A point emphasised by Chardin himself when he said:
“I can be saved only by becoming one with the universe.”
The aim of the article below is to, hopefully, highlight just a few of the connections between the Vatican, the New Age movement, the United Nations and the wider New World Order agenda by taking a look at palaeontologist and French Jesuit, Catholic, priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.**
In the influential and very successful book “The Aquarian Conspiracy”, by Marilyn Ferguson, a survey of new agers showed that the leading influence on their spiritual ‘awakening’ was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The book itself was described as a “handbook for the new age” that “sought a paradigm shift in global consciousness”.
Chardin was a keen proponent of the theory of evolution. On his Wikipedia page we learn that:
“In his posthumously published book, The Phenomenon of Man, Teilhard writes of the unfolding of the material cosmos, from primordial particles to the development of life, human beings and the noosphere, and finally to his vision of the Omega Point in the future, which is ‘pulling’ all creation towards it.”
“It is the law of the universe that in all things there is prior existence. Before every form there is a prior, but lesser evolved form. Each one of us is evolving towards the godhead.”
Perhaps we can begin to see why the ‘oneness’ meme is so important to the New World Order agenda.
It seems we have to voluntarily agree that ‘we are all one’ in order for us to ‘evolve’. This is the exact same philosophy that is being pushed so heavily by the likes of David Icke and others in the New Age, 2012 ‘awakening’ and ‘consciousness shift’ movements. More worryingly we see from New Age leaders such as Barbara Marx Hubbard that anyone who resists this manipulative attempt to create a hive-minded conformity needs to “either change or die” because “that is the choice.” She states that dealing with those who refuse to ‘change’ would merely be “as horrible as killing a cancer cell”. She continues:
“It must be done [so] be prepared for the selection process which is now beginning. We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed…. The destructive one fourth must be eliminated from the social body.”
So there we have it, a keen insight into the ‘spirituality’ of the New Age. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that this drive for ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’ is a key element of the proposed Luciferian, one world religion and anyone who doesn’t go along with it is, it seems, to be eliminated. If any sort of unity naturally arose that would be fine but this false unity that the ‘elites’ are attempting to create is being done through a variety of brainwashing and mind control techniques. The subtle deception at play in the ‘oneness’ agenda is to undermine our sense of being unique, sovereign, individuals born with God given, inalienable, rights so as to more easily subsume us into the ‘Communitarian’ (a Communist/Fascist synthesis), New World Order.
The sex work debate
The language itself is highly problematic and emotive. The use of the term ‘prostitute’ is regarded as a denigrating word used for women who are forced into selling sex through poverty and exclusion, while the use of the term ‘sex worker’ is seen as dignifying an activity which reflects and compounds women?s oppression. This article does not suggest that sex work is ‘a job like any other’?however, the term sex work will be used, first because it avoids the moral condemnation often attached to the word prostitute. Second, this term is used because women who directly sell sex on the streets, in flats or in brothels are only a subset of a much larger number of women who work in the sex industry.1 The modern sex industry is a multibillion dollar industry, which generates huge profits for both transnational corporations and criminal gangs. The sex industry is difficult to define because it encompasses a huge range of diverse activities.
Then as now there was a strong relationship between the migration of women and prostitution.
Prostitution in the 19th century occurred on a much greater scale than in previous societies. It was fed by the massive social dislocation as people were driven from agriculture into the manufacturing system. The urbanisation, poverty and large scale migration which characterised 19th century capitalism produced conditions in which brothels sprang up around the globe. In his book London Labour and the London Poor, written in the 1850s, Henry Mayhew described how women in seasonal and insecure trades were frequently driven into prostitution at certain times of the year.10 Thus milliners, whose skills were only in demand during the London society “season”, became particularly associated with prostitution. Socialist anarchist Emma Goldman quoted a study called Prostitution in the Nineteenth Century to describe the conditions that fuelled the growth of prostitution:
Although prostitution has existed in all ages, it was left to the 19th century to develop it into a gigantic social institution. The development of industry with vast masses of people in the competitive market, the growth and congestion of large cities, the insecurity and uncertainty of employment, has given prostitution an impetus never dreamed of at any period in human history.
En een reportage van de BBC onder de titel Hardcore profits, met als inhoud de investeringen die bepaalde bedrijven doen in de porno-industrie. Daarbij komt, overigens niet voor het eerst in de laatste decennia, aan het licht dat tal van religieuze investeringsmaatschappijen zich niet verheven voelen boven het porno-niveau van de bedrijven waar ze geld insteken, indachtig de revenuen die de investeerders als het ware tegemoet spuiten, waarbij tal van binnen de industrie in kwestie werkzamen het geld liggend kunnen verdienen.(http://tempelreportages.blogspot.fr/2009/09/streng-gelovige-beleggers-investeren-in.html)
Shaved genitals have somehow become the new normal for an entire generation of women. Surely it’s time we asked why. Louisa Saunders ponders the politics of pubic hair.
Last weekend, I went to see my daughter in a university production of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, the successful and somewhat cultish play that brings the V-word out from the shadows. On the way in, we were offered marker pens and encouraged to write on a large sheet of paper what our vaginas would say if they could talk.
My younger daughter and I were a little too British to give this novel gimmick our full attention, but I watched what the other women in the audience wrote. “Oh, hang on while I clear the cobwebs away.” “Talk about a lean period.” But then I saw that someone among the largely student, and presumably broadly feminist, audience had written, “I need a shave.” I snatched up a pen and replied (though never having conversed with a vagina before), “No you DON’T.”
Tentatively raising the matter in conversation with younger women, I expected that some of them might share my bewilderment with this still fairly new fad. But I was met with awkward shuffling and downcast eyes, which told me that it might be better to change the subject.
Did this begin in the pornographic industry? Or has pornography merely responded to what is fast becoming the new normal? Images of female genitalia au naturel are now in a very small minority, and a large percentage of pornographic images show no hair at all. The partial or full removal of pubic hair in pornography is so widespread, Joe Slade, professor of media and culture at Ohio University, recently told The Atlantic magazine, that there is now a niche market for those who prefer to look at the fully covered version.
Our sexual lives are a complex and personal matter and it is not my intention to question the feminist integrity of any woman who chooses to go hairless. There are those who argue that it is in some way empowering and that it is something women do for their own satisfaction – wear that vagina loud and proud. The removal of pubic hair is not confined to man-pleasing Barbies, nor even to straight women. Nevertheless, the fashion for it makes me uncomfortable. Hairless female genitalia have an obvious association, and that is with pre-pubescent girls. Where there are hairless genitalia, surely the unwelcome suggestion of the childish body is never far away.
Women, more than men, prink and preen our bodies to bend to the rules of attraction – to look more youthful and even, you could argue, more childlike. Leg-shaving, lip-reddening, eyelash-darkening, hair-lightening – all these hint at the flawless childish state. But it is adult women who have sex and, surely, adult women to whom men want to make love.
Every decision you make is essentially a committee act. Members chime in, options are weighed, and eventually a single proposal for action is approved by consensus. The committee, of course, is the densely knit society of neurons in your head. And ?approved by consensus? is really just a delicate way of saying that the opposition was silenced.
There?s nothing new about the militarization of brain science. Ten years ago, when I was writing an article on how information is encoded in the brain, Darpa was already a major funder of research on neural coding and neural prosthetics. Darpa program manager Alan Rudolph told me back then that the agency was interested in a wide range of potential applications, including ?performance enhancement? of soldiers via either implanted or external electrodes linked to electronic devices.
So what?s changed over the past decade? Several things come to mind: First, major media have become less concerned about the militarization of brain science. A decade ago, conservative New York Times pundit William Safire worried that science might allow powerful institutions to ?hack into the wetware between our ears.? Today, few prominent journalists question Darpa?s role in the BRAIN Initative. The best critique I?ve read is by physician/blogger Peter Freed, who asserts that Pentagon funding of the BRAIN Initiative fulfills President Dwight Eisenhower?s 1961 warning about the growing power of the ?military-industrial complex.?
“An extremely important message for a society whose best-intentioned members have lost themselves in a wilderness of wishful thinking.”
“This book takes a look at the dark underbelly of ‘green energy’ and attempts to shift the U.S. dialogue to a more pressing problem: consumption.”
The story behind the groups that believe bike lanes and smart growth are here to steal our land and send us all to the gulag
Historian David Aaronovitch succinctly described the origination of conspiracy theories as “created by the politically defeated and accepted by the socially defeated ,” but in the case of Agenda 21, these theories are more likely to be created by political interests that are far from defeated.
Similar to the anti-Agenda 21 and Tea Party protests of today, Wise Use has a parallel history of fomenting dissent at the behest of private industry’s interests with overblown, nonsensical, and apocalyptic language against any and all environmental regulations. It is the same international, socialist, enviro-Nazi conspiracy rhetoric and coordination tactics, and the same names that are seen today
I met Stevens at the Self Reliance Expo in Mesa, Arizona, one of the nation’s leading “readiness” trade shows, where attendees (about 5,000 over two days) shop for bulletproof vests and dehydrated peas or practice suturing an open wound on a severed pig’s foot. Stevens’ cosponsorship amounts to a sort of papal blessing for the event. “He’s the bomb, he’s the godfather,” says Tony Tangalos, the Phoenix-based host of The Prepper Patch, an AM radio show. “He’s like the Elvis Presley.”
Over the past four years, Stevens has witnessed something of a renaissance, coming out of retirement to hawk an expanded edition of Basics and a water-filtering system that’s so efficient, he tells me, it could make urine taste like bottled water. The product has netted Stevens and his partner $1.5 million in profits in just over a year. And he’s far from the only one making a living off the coming collapse of civilization. Sites like Revolutionary Realty and Survival Realty list rugged properties with amenities such as a “defensible hillside location.” There are no fewer than three prepper dating sites—Survivalist Singles (“Don’t Face the Future Alone”) boasts 4,000 members, mostly male. Both the National Geographic Channel and Glenn Beck TV have gotten into the game with their reality shows Doomsday Preppers and Independence USA. The preserved food company Shelf Reliance reported a 708 percent explosion in revenues over the past three years. Overall, the size of the market for Americans expecting major disruptions caused by hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorism, pandemics, price shocks, gas shortages, civil unrest, martial law, nuclear disasters, and/or the Rapture is estimated to be $500 million.
“If the economy falls apart, people don’t have food. People who are looking for food, they’re gonna have their guns with them. People want body armor so they can protect themselves.”
Welcome to the doom boom.
Humans have been preparing for the worst for millennia, but modern Americans have turned it into an art form. At the dawn of the Atomic Age, suburbanites scrambled to build backyard shelters and the government stockpiled food in anticipation of the day after. The spiraling inflation of the 1970s brought with it a spike in gold sales and backwoods land purchases. During the Clinton years, camo-clad survivalists prepared for the black-helicopter invasion, and Y2K briefly made prepperism mainstream. But perhaps the best salesman for the notion that we’re on the verge of financial, technological, and political collapse has been the current occupant of the Oval Office. Stevens says of the president, “He is the leading promoter of this without even knowing it.”
hoog gehalte NRA: The NRA’s political activity is based on the premise that firearm ownership is a civil right protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The group has a nearly century long record of influencing as well as lobbying for or against proposed firearm legislation on behalf of its members. Observers and lawmakers see the NRA as one of the top three most influential lobbying groups in Washington.
The mystery man came over
And he said “I’m outta sight!”
He said for a nominal service charge
I could reach nirvana tonight
If I was ready, willing and able
To pay him his regular fee
He would drop all the rest of
His pressing affairs and devote
His attention to me
But I said “Look here brother
who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Now who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Look here brother, don’t waste your time on me”

Teilhard’s Gnosis: Cosmogenesis *
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest-theologian and a distinguished geologist-paleontologist, who was born in France in 1881 and died in New York City in 1955. Following teaching posts in Paris and Cairo, he was assigned to China for many years. In China, Teilhard became imbued with a vision of working to build the future.
By the future he meant more than the building up of the physical world; he envisaged the irreversible ascent, through man’s collective efforts materially and mentally, to reach what he called the Omega Point. For Teilhard the Omega was the cosmic apex, the Christ who was the Spirit of the Earth. He began writing out his ideas. Teilhard the scientist began to view the cosmos as a holistic entity in process. The foundation of his ideas is scientific, based on the principles of geological and biological evolution. Teilhard the theologian intermixed these evolutionary cosmic concepts with Christian creedal theology. Because of these innovative efforts he was considered subversive and so he was silenced by the Vatican throughout much of his adult life. His works, written over a period from 1924 to 1955, were only published after his death.
Teilhard refers to the super-human as the Omega Point. It is, for him, the apex of cosmic evolution. Teilhard, scientifically speaking, can only imagine what the reality of Omega might be like…a *pure conscious energy.* Teilhard proclaims this cosmic energy almost in the mode of poetry. “In the discovery of the sidereal world, so vast that it seems to do away with all proportion between our own being and the dimensions of the cosmos around us, only one reality seems to survive and be capable of succeeding and spanning the infinitesimal and the immense: energy… that floating, universal entity from which all emerges and into which all falls back as into an ocean; energy…the new spirit; energy…the new god.”
Gary Kah, in his book ‘En Route to Global Occupation’ (p. 41), said of Chardin:
“[He] is one of the most frequently quoted writers by leading New Age occultists.”
“Teilhard dreamed of humanity merging into ‘God’ and each realising his own godhood at the Omega point. This belief has inspired many of today’s New Age leaders.”
From the above quotes it’s easy to see how Chardin became known as the ‘Father of the New Age’. We also catch an early glimpse of a spiritual belief system that is almost identical to the ‘one consciousness’ or ‘we are all one’ beliefs of David Icke and others in the ‘truth’ and ‘new age’ movements. A point emphasised by Chardin himself when he said:
“I can be saved only by becoming one with the universe.”
The aim of the article below is to, hopefully, highlight just a few of the connections between the Vatican, the New Age movement, the United Nations and the wider New World Order agenda by taking a look at palaeontologist and French Jesuit, Catholic, priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.**
In the influential and very successful book “The Aquarian Conspiracy”, by Marilyn Ferguson, a survey of new agers showed that the leading influence on their spiritual ‘awakening’ was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The book itself was described as a “handbook for the new age” that “sought a paradigm shift in global consciousness”.
Chardin was a keen proponent of the theory of evolution. On his Wikipedia page we learn that:
“In his posthumously published book, The Phenomenon of Man, Teilhard writes of the unfolding of the material cosmos, from primordial particles to the development of life, human beings and the noosphere, and finally to his vision of the Omega Point in the future, which is ‘pulling’ all creation towards it.”
“It is the law of the universe that in all things there is prior existence. Before every form there is a prior, but lesser evolved form. Each one of us is evolving towards the godhead.”
Perhaps we can begin to see why the ‘oneness’ meme is so important to the New World Order agenda.
It seems we have to voluntarily agree that ‘we are all one’ in order for us to ‘evolve’. This is the exact same philosophy that is being pushed so heavily by the likes of David Icke and others in the New Age, 2012 ‘awakening’ and ‘consciousness shift’ movements. More worryingly we see from New Age leaders such as Barbara Marx Hubbard that anyone who resists this manipulative attempt to create a hive-minded conformity needs to “either change or die” because “that is the choice.” She states that dealing with those who refuse to ‘change’ would merely be “as horrible as killing a cancer cell”. She continues:
“It must be done [so] be prepared for the selection process which is now beginning. We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed…. The destructive one fourth must be eliminated from the social body.”
So there we have it, a keen insight into the ‘spirituality’ of the New Age. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that this drive for ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’ is a key element of the proposed Luciferian, one world religion and anyone who doesn’t go along with it is, it seems, to be eliminated. If any sort of unity naturally arose that would be fine but this false unity that the ‘elites’ are attempting to create is being done through a variety of brainwashing and mind control techniques. The subtle deception at play in the ‘oneness’ agenda is to undermine our sense of being unique, sovereign, individuals born with God given, inalienable, rights so as to more easily subsume us into the ‘Communitarian’ (a Communist/Fascist synthesis), New World Order.
The sex work debate
The language itself is highly problematic and emotive. The use of the term ‘prostitute’ is regarded as a denigrating word used for women who are forced into selling sex through poverty and exclusion, while the use of the term ‘sex worker’ is seen as dignifying an activity which reflects and compounds women?s oppression. This article does not suggest that sex work is ‘a job like any other’?however, the term sex work will be used, first because it avoids the moral condemnation often attached to the word prostitute. Second, this term is used because women who directly sell sex on the streets, in flats or in brothels are only a subset of a much larger number of women who work in the sex industry.1 The modern sex industry is a multibillion dollar industry, which generates huge profits for both transnational corporations and criminal gangs. The sex industry is difficult to define because it encompasses a huge range of diverse activities.
Then as now there was a strong relationship between the migration of women and prostitution.
Prostitution in the 19th century occurred on a much greater scale than in previous societies. It was fed by the massive social dislocation as people were driven from agriculture into the manufacturing system. The urbanisation, poverty and large scale migration which characterised 19th century capitalism produced conditions in which brothels sprang up around the globe. In his book London Labour and the London Poor, written in the 1850s, Henry Mayhew described how women in seasonal and insecure trades were frequently driven into prostitution at certain times of the year.10 Thus milliners, whose skills were only in demand during the London society “season”, became particularly associated with prostitution. Socialist anarchist Emma Goldman quoted a study called Prostitution in the Nineteenth Century to describe the conditions that fuelled the growth of prostitution:
Although prostitution has existed in all ages, it was left to the 19th century to develop it into a gigantic social institution. The development of industry with vast masses of people in the competitive market, the growth and congestion of large cities, the insecurity and uncertainty of employment, has given prostitution an impetus never dreamed of at any period in human history.
En een reportage van de BBC onder de titel Hardcore profits, met als inhoud de investeringen die bepaalde bedrijven doen in de porno-industrie. Daarbij komt, overigens niet voor het eerst in de laatste decennia, aan het licht dat tal van religieuze investeringsmaatschappijen zich niet verheven voelen boven het porno-niveau van de bedrijven waar ze geld insteken, indachtig de revenuen die de investeerders als het ware tegemoet spuiten, waarbij tal van binnen de industrie in kwestie werkzamen het geld liggend kunnen verdienen.(http://tempelreportages.blogspot.fr/2009/09/streng-gelovige-beleggers-investeren-in.html)
Perversion for Profit: The Politics of Pornography and the Rise of the New Right
Perversion for Profit traces the anatomy of this trend and the crucial function of pornography in constructing the New Right agenda, which has emphasized social issues over racial and economic inequality. Conducting his own extensive research, Whitney Strub vividly recreates the debates over obscenity that consumed members of the ACLU in the 1950s and revisits the deployment of obscenity charges against purveyors of gay erotica during the cold war, revealing the differing standards applied to heterosexual and homosexual pornography. He follows the rise of the influential Citizens for Decent Literature during the 1960s and the pivotal events that followed: the sexual revolution, feminist activism, the rise of the gay rights movement, the “porno chic” moment of the early 1970s, and resurgent Christian conservatism, which now shapes public policy far beyond the issue of sexual decency.
Afval ;de nucleaire nachtmerrie tot in Siberie.
Een deel van het europese nucleaire afval gaat hiernaartoe

http://www.greenpeace.fr/stop-plutonium/stockage_russie.php3 (engelse bladzijde werkt niet?)
Perversion for Profit traces the anatomy of this trend and the crucial function of pornography in constructing the New Right agenda, which has emphasized social issues over racial and economic inequality. Conducting his own extensive research, Whitney Strub vividly recreates the debates over obscenity that consumed members of the ACLU in the 1950s and revisits the deployment of obscenity charges against purveyors of gay erotica during the cold war, revealing the differing standards applied to heterosexual and homosexual pornography. He follows the rise of the influential Citizens for Decent Literature during the 1960s and the pivotal events that followed: the sexual revolution, feminist activism, the rise of the gay rights movement, the “porno chic” moment of the early 1970s, and resurgent Christian conservatism, which now shapes public policy far beyond the issue of sexual decency.
Afval ;de nucleaire nachtmerrie tot in Siberie.
Een deel van het europese nucleaire afval gaat hiernaartoe
http://www.greenpeace.fr/stop-plutonium/stockage_russie.php3 (engelse bladzijde werkt niet?)
Slivjak, Vladimir: ” Das Neue ist das Alte, schon lange Vergessene - der Skandal um die Ausfuhr von französischen und deutschen radioaktiven Abfällen nach Russland” in Russlandanalysen Nr. 190 (PDF; 715 kB)
Slivjak, Vladimir: ” Das Neue ist das Alte, schon lange Vergessene - der Skandal um die Ausfuhr von französischen und deutschen radioaktiven Abfällen nach Russland” in Russlandanalysen Nr. 190 (PDF; 715 kB)