La femme-enfant est plutôt bien vue dans la société./ The woman-child is rather welllooked upon in society.(harhar , how come, would that possibly be of any interest ?)
"In 1970 the movement was called 'Women's
Liberation' or, contemptuously, 'Women's Lib'. When the name 'Libbers'
was dropped for 'Feminists' we were all relieved. What none of us
noticed was that the ideal of liberation was fading out with the word.
We were settling for equality. Liberation struggles are not about
assimilation but about asserting difference, endowing that difference
with dignity and prestige, and insisting on it as a condition of
self-definition and self-determination. The aim of women's liberation is
to do as much for female people as has been done for colonized nations.
Women's liberation did not see the female's potential in terms of the
male's actual; the visionary feminists of the late sixties and early
seventies knew that women could never find freedom by agreeing to live
the lives of unfree men. Seekers after equality clamoured to be admitted
to smoke-filled male haunts. Liberationists sought the world over for
clues as to what women's lives could be like if they were free to define
their own values, order their own priorities and decide their own fate.
The Female Eunuch was one feminist text that did not argue for equality." in Greer, Germaine 13.9.11.pdf
conception of the femme-enfant as an enchanting, liminal and rebellious
figure has often been dismissed as a conservative, and ultimately
sexist, idealisation. According to Whitney Chadwick, the surrealist
search for the woman-child' was one for a figure whose presence
'inevitably, and perhaps more than any other single factor,' worked 'to
exclude woman artists from the possibility of a profound personal
identification with the theoretical side of Surrealism.
oh well , finely someone agrees on this imposture-thing (imo)
Other controversial points in this book include Greer's opposition to
accepting male-to-female transsexuals as women: "Governments that
consist of very few women have hurried to recognise as women men who
believe that they are women and have had themselves castrated to prove
it, because they see women not as another sex but as a non-sex. No
so-called sex-change has ever begged for a uterus-and-ovaries
transplant; if uterus-and-ovaries transplants were made mandatory for
wannabe women they would disappear overnight. The insistence that
man-made women be accepted as women is the institutional expression of
the mistaken conviction that women are defective males."
vendredi 26 décembre 2014
vendredi 3 octobre 2014
mardi 23 septembre 2014
re-connecting td
This is what Hans wrote:
“My father was a great man, whom I loved… But I’ve come to see that he made a great historical error in his attempt to rebuild the Jewish State…. My father did not realize the true mission of the Jewish people, which has proven that the living and fertilizing spirit does not need territorial boundaries, and that a people can live and exist even when fortifications and borders have disappeared. I would ask them not to attempt to add to the decadent civilizations but to remember their true identity and work for the cultural reconstruction of their homeland – and this homeland is the entire world.” (Hans Herzl to Marcel Steinberger in Princes Without A Home (1929).
“Withered branches” refers to Theodor Herzl’s “The Jewish State,” in which he wrote, “Branches of the Jewish people may perish. Its tree will live.” Herzl’s “branches” reminds me of Chaim Weizmann, one of the key founders of Zionism, who when asked before WWII:
“Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?” I replied, “No.” … From the depths of the tragedy I want to save … young people [for Palestine] “The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world … Only the branch of the young shall survive. They have to accept it.” (Chaim Weizmann reporting to the Zionist Congress in 1937 on his testimony before the Peel Commission in London). (See Moral Dust)
Earlier, I examined the life of Theodor Herzl for whom Zionism was purely a political movement. Whereas Theodor Herzl’s struggle, was political, his son’s struggle was social and ethical Contrary to the brilliant atheistic minds of modern times, Hans believed that ethics proved God. His interest transcended Zionism and Judaism. If God was universal, he reasoned, then He must be God for all mankind, a universal God. For this reason, Hans did not believe in a historical Messiah. What was important was not the historical but the ethical. The ethical teachings of Christ could, then become, Hans said, the basis for the creation of a World-Church, which would subsume Christianity and Judaism. For Hans, the ethical teachings of Jesus were in complete harmony with Judaism.
"Federal agencies, including the National Security Agency, the F.B.I. and the Department of Homeland Security, monitor suspected terror sites on the Internet and sometimes track users. Private groups like Ms. Katz's Search for International Terrorist Entities Institute and The Middle East Media Research Institute are also keeping track of the ever-changing content of these sites. Ms. Katz's institute, which relies on government contracts and corporate clients, may be the most influential of those groups, and she is among the most controversial of the cyberspace monitors. While some experts praise her research as solid, some of her targets view her as a vigilante. Several Islamic groups and charities, for example, sued for defamation after she claimed they were terrorist fronts, even though they were not charged with a crime," the New York Times reported September 23,
dimanche 21 septembre 2014
the great frack forward
On a hazy morning last September,
144 American and Chinese government officials and high-ranking oil
executives filed into a vaulted meeting room in a cloistered campus in
south Xi'an, a city famous for its terra-cotta warriors and lethal smog.
The Communist Party built this compound, called the Shaanxi Guesthouse,
in 1958. It was part of the lead-up to Chairman Mao's Great Leap
Forward, in which, to surpass the industrial achievements of the West,
the government built steelworks, coal mines, power stations, and cement
factories—displacing hundreds of thousands and clearcutting a tenth of
China's forests in the process. Despite its quaint name, the guesthouse
is a cluster of immense concrete structures jutting out of expansive,
manicured lawns and man-made lakes dotted with stone bridges and
pagodas. It also features a karaoke lounge, spa, tennis stadium,
shopping center, and beauty
& 10 Fascinating Articles From the CIA's Secret Employee Magazine
mercredi 3 septembre 2014
mardi 26 août 2014
mercredi 6 août 2014
Anthropology, history, silicon & spy
The sad truth about uncontacted tribes
One of the world’s last isolated tribes has apparently emerged from the forest. Rachel Nuwer investigates whether there is anyone left who has never seen the outside world, and discovers that ‘first contacts’ are often cursed by death and disease.
On July 1, Funai, the Brazilian governmental agency in charge of indigenous Indian affairs, quietly posted a short press release on its website: two days earlier, they said, seven members of an isolated Indian tribe emerged from the Amazon and made peaceful contact with people in a village near the Peruvian border.As the first official contact with such a tribe since 1996, the event was out of the ordinary. But the event itself could have been anticipated. For weeks, local villagers in Brazil’s Acre state had reported sightings of the tribesman, who supposedly came to steal crops, axes and machetes, and who “mimicked monkey cries” that frightened women and children.
The Indians’ decision to make contact was not driven by a desire for material goods, however, but by fear. With the help of translators who spoke a closely related indigenous Panoan language, the Acre Indians explained that “violent attacks” by outsiders had driven them from the forest. Later, details emerged that their elder relatives were massacred, and their houses set on fire. Illegal loggers and cocaine traffickers in Peru, where the Indians are thought to come from, are likely to blame, according to the Brazilian government. Indeed, Funai’s own nearby monitoring post was shut down in 2011 due to increasing escalations with drug traffickers.
After they decided the situation called for drastic measures, the Indians did not just stumble upon the Brazilian village by chance – they probably knew exactly where to go. “They know far more about the outside world than most people think,” says Fiona Watson, research director for the non-profit organisation Survival International. “They are experts at living in the forest and are well aware of the presence of outsiders.”
This gets to the heart of a common misconception surrounding isolated tribes such as the one in Acre: that they live in a bubble of wilderness, somehow missing the fact that their small corner of the world is in fact part of a much greater whole – and one that is dominated by other humans. “Almost all human communities have been in some contact with one another for as long as we have historical or archaeological records,” says Alex Golub, an anthropologist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. “Human prehistory is not like that game Civilization where you start with a little hut and the whole map is black.”
In some cases in the 70s and 80s, the Brazilian government did try to establish peaceful contact with indigenous people, often with the aim of forced assimilation or relocation. They set up “attraction posts” – offerings of metal tools and other things indigenous Indians might find to be valuable – to try and lure them out of hiding. This sometimes led to violent altercations, or, more often than not, disease outbreaks. Isolated people have no immunity to some bugs, which have been known to wipe out up to half of a village’s population in a matter of weeks or months. During those years, missionaries traipsing into the jungle also delivered viruses and bacteria along with Bibles, killing the people they meant to save.
Silicon: After the chip, another revolution?
Summer is upon us and you
are almost certainly planning at least one trip to the beach. This
year, as you lie back in the sun, put down your book or magazine and
sift the sand through your fingers - and take a moment to reflect upon
how much of the world economy is built on the stuff.
I don't mean "built on sand" in a philosophical sense,
however true that may be. I'm talking about three technological
revolutions that are literally based on sand, one of which is only just
beginning and, if it lives up to its potential, has mind-boggling
implications.You've probably already guessed the element at the heart of these revolutions - silicon, the main component of sand.
The original silicon revolution was of course, glass. Man first began to explore its properties a million and a half years ago - that's when our ancient ancestors discovered that obsidian, the almost jet black glass which is sometimes formed when lava cools rapidly, was useful.
Obsidian breaks leaving a very keen edge, so was good for weapons and tools including, in some ancient cultures, knives used for ritual circumcisions.
But it wasn't until the first civilizations arose in the plains of Mesopotamia that we learned to actually make glass.
The French spy who wrote The Planet of the Apes
Before the newly released
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film, there was a long franchise going
back to the first Apes movie - the 1968 classic with Charlton Heston.
But before that there was the book.
Today few people have heard of Pierre Boulle. He was the
French author who first had the brilliant idea of humans travelling in
time and stumbling on ape civilisation. It was in his 1963 novel La Planete des Singes (Planet of the Apes).But there's more. It turns out that Pierre Boulle was also the man behind another cinema great - none other than The Bridge on the River Kwai. A book on the face of it so quintessentially British - about a British colonel and his conception of duty and honour. How on earth could it have been written by a Frenchman? And how did that same Frenchman then move from wartime adventure to the world of science fiction for his second Hollywood triumph?
Pierre Boulle died in Paris in 1994, after a writing career that spanned more than 40 years and resulted in some 30 novels and collections of short stories.
But it was his life before taking up the pen that shaped his literary outlook. From the mid-1930s he was a rubber planter for a British company in Malaysia. And in World War Two he served as an undercover agent for the Special Operations Executive (SOE).
For The Bridge on the River Kwai he was writing of a world he knew well.
"In the Far East he worked alongside English people. He was impregnated by English culture. He admired the English greatly. And when he came to write he made many of his heroes English."
samedi 2 août 2014
Siberia (2)
Siberian Craters
The Really Scary Thing About Those Jaw-Dropping Siberian Craters
Russian scientists have determined that a massive crater discovered in a remote part of Siberia was probably caused by thawing permafrost. The crater is in the Yamal Peninsula, which means “end of the world.” It caught hold of the media spotlight in mid-July when it was spotted by oil and gas workers flying over the area. At roughly 200 feet wide and seemingly bottomless, speculation abounded about the cause with the Siberian Times reporting that, “theories range from meteorites, stray missiles, a man-made prank, and aliens, to an explosive cocktail of methane or shale gas suddenly exploding.”
Schaefer said the phenomenon of the Siberian craters was a surprise to him because he thought the methane would leak out more slowly. Capturing these large bursts of methane before they enter the atmosphere could be possible, according to Schaefer, however extremely difficult.
“The key is drilling into the permafrost before the methane escapes,” he said. “However, creating the infrastructure just to get to these remote locations is daunting.”
He said that capturing the emissions from decaying organic matter would be impossible.
Ted Schuur, a professor of ecosystem ecology at the University of Florida and leader of the Permafrost Carbon Network, told ThinkProgress that the Siberian craters remind him of ‘hot spots’ of methane bubbling that occur both in lakes and undersea in the permafrost zone.
samedi 5 juillet 2014ééstabilisation-de-l-algérie
lundi 30 juin 2014
La normalité est-elle la nouvelle liberté ?
We Are All Very Anxious
mercredi 14 mai 2014
lundi 28 avril 2014
The world's oldest clove tree
Afo survived the destruction of clove trees in the 1700s
India's Forgotten Faces
The adivasi, or indigenous, people of southern India are among the poorest in the world. Ignored by the classical caste structure and shunned by the government, adivasi communities have relied for centuries on India's forests for food, fuel, and cultural identity. But with increasing pressures from large scale agriculture, and the growth of conservation zones and national parks, today their open access to the forest has almost(?) disappeared. Some particularly marginalized communities were forcefully relocated out of the forest into government-built houses.
samedi 19 avril 2014
internet pollution
Front groups is one astroturfing technique, which typically creates the appearance of being an organization that serves the public interest, while masking a corporate sponsor.
-content farm
Critics allege that content farms provide relatively low quality content, and that they maximize profit by producing "just good enough" material rather than high-quality articles. Articles are usually composed by human writers rather than automated processes, but they may not be written by a specialist in the subjects reported. Some authors working for sites identified as content farms have admitted knowing little about the fields on which they report. Search engines see content farms as a problem, as they tend to bring the user to less relevant and lower quality results of the search. The reduced quality and rapid creation of articles on such sites has drawn comparisons to the fast food industry and to pollution:
Information consumers end up with less relevant or valuable resources. Producers of relevant resources receive less cash as a reward (lower clickthrough rate) while producers of junk receive more cash. One way to describe this is pollution. Virtual junk pollutes the Web environment by adding noise. Everybody but the polluters pays a price for Web pollution: search engines work less well, users waste precious time and attention on junk sites, and honest publishers lose income. The polluter spoils the Web environment for everybody else. |
The U.S. military is developing "Operation Earnest Voice" to use sockpuppetry software that will "fake online personas to influence net conversations and spread US propaganda
Online forum manipulation strategies can take many forms, and firms (or, depending on the context of interest, political parties and special interest groups) are getting more sophisticated about them by the day. The simplest firm strategy is to anonymously post online reviews praising its own products, or bad-mouthing those of its competitors. There is ample evidence that such manipulation takes place.
Data mining expert Bing Liu (University of Illinois) estimated that one-third of all consumer reviews on the Internet are fake. According to the New York Times, this has made it hard to tell the difference between "popular sentiment" and "manufactured public opinion." According to an article in the Journal of Business Ethics, astroturfing threatens the legitimacy of genuine grassroots movements. The authors argued that astroturfing that is "purposefully designed to fulfill corporate agendas, manipulate public opinion and harm scientific research represents a serious lapse in ethical conduct." A 2011 report found that often paid posters from competing companies are attacking each other in forums and overwhelming regular participants in the process. George Monbiot said persona management software that supports astroturfing, "could destroy the Internet as a forum for constructive debate."
newsy items
samedi 8 mars 2014
historical technologies
In de zestiende eeuw voor Christus werd in Mesopotamië de zogenaamde "zandkerntechniek" uitgevonden. Deze techniek bleef gedurende de volgende 1500 jaar de voornaamste methode voor het maken van glas. Een mengsel van mest en klei werd om een ijzeren staafje geboetseerd en vervolgens met verwarmde dikke glasdraden omwikkeld, al dan niet in kleur. Na afkoeling van het glas werd de gedroogde kern uit het voorwerp geschraapt. De techniek verbreidde zich snel. In de vijftiende eeuw voor Christus was er in Egypte een echte glasindustrie, met als belangrijkste productiecentrum de stad Tell el-Amarna. De meest voorkomende vormen in de zandkerntechniek zijn kleine glazen cosmeticaflesjes, waarin parfum, oliën en make-up werden bewaard.
In de zestiende eeuw voor Christus werd in Mesopotamië de zogenaamde "zandkerntechniek" uitgevonden. Deze techniek bleef gedurende de volgende 1500 jaar de voornaamste methode voor het maken van glas. Een mengsel van mest en klei werd om een ijzeren staafje geboetseerd en vervolgens met verwarmde dikke glasdraden omwikkeld, al dan niet in kleur. Na afkoeling van het glas werd de gedroogde kern uit het voorwerp geschraapt. De techniek verbreidde zich snel. In de vijftiende eeuw voor Christus was er in Egypte een echte glasindustrie, met als belangrijkste productiecentrum de stad Tell el-Amarna. De meest voorkomende vormen in de zandkerntechniek zijn kleine glazen cosmeticaflesjes, waarin parfum, oliën en make-up werden bewaard.
De Egyptenaren zagen glas als een door mensen
gemaakte edelsteen. Het kleurige glaswerk leek dan ook gemaakt van
bijvoorbeeld turkoois, amethist en lapis lazuli. Vanwege de kostbaarheid
was het alleen voor de elite bestemd. In de twaalfde eeuw voor Christus
stagneerde de glasproductie, gelijktijdig met het verval van de
Bronstijdculturen in het oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied. Aan het einde
van de achtste eeuw wordt er weer zandkernglas gemaakt in het Nabije
Oosten, en op de Griekse eilanden.
gold & copper
The paper deals with
the different use of gold and copper in the Early and Middle Copper Age
on one side and the Late Copper Age cultures of the Carpathian Basin on
the other side. Transylvania was in the antiquity one of the richest
gold mining areas of Eurasia. This is demonstrated on the basis of Roman
and Medieval texts, expecially on hand of those about the Decebalus
gold treasure found by the troups of Trajan in 106 A.D.
In strong contrast to
the wide use of gold (and also of copper) in the very gold rich area of
Transylvania during Early and especially Middle Copper Age cultures
(i.e. the Tiszapolgár and Bodrogkeresztúr and their corresponding
cultures in other parts of the Carpathian Basin, among others the
Lasinja culture in Transdanubia with its gold discs) there is no trace
of the use of gold in the Late Copper Age. In the Late Copper Age also a
very strong decrease in the number and also weight of the copper
artifacts can be observed, too, and it is very remarkable that the few
copper objects were daggers. This stays to indicate wartime or at least a
continuing armed unrest during Late Copper Age. Invasions, conquests
and similar events never promote production, accumulation, hoarding and
public use of gold.
Roughly, the Copper Age could be situated chronologically between the 5th and 6th millennium BC in places like the archaeological sites of Majdanpek, Јarmovac and Pločnik (a copper axe from 5500 BC belonging to the Vinča culture). Somewhat later, in 5th millennium BC, metalwork is attested at Rudna Glava mine in Serbia, and at Ai Bunar mine in Bulgaria.
3rd millennium BC copper metalwork is attested in places like Palmela (Portugal), Cortes de Navarra (Spain), and Stonehenge (United Kingdom). However, as often happens with the prehistoric times, the limits of the age cannot be clearly defined and vary with different sources.
Defining characteristics of the Chalcolithic include the introduction of copper, and some changes to the material culture visible in the archaeological data, including a much richer artistic and cultic tradition.
Diffusion of metallurgy in Europe and Asia Minor. The darkest areas are the oldest
Iron technology did not come to Africa from western Asia via Carthage or Merowe as was long thought, concludes "Aux origines de la métallurgie du fer en Afrique, Une ancienneté méconnue: Afrique de l'Ouest et Afrique centrale". The theory that it was imported from somewhere else, which - the book points out - nicely fitted colonial prejudices, does not stand up in the face of new scientific discoveries, including the probable existence of one or more centres of iron-working in west and central Africa andthe Great Lakes area.
dimanche 2 mars 2014
jeudi 27 février 2014
silicon solutions
Silicon Valley Doesn't Just Help the Surveillance State—It Built It
Why Obama’s NSA Reforms Won’t Solve Silicon Valley’s Trust Problem
More than a decade ago, CIA Director Michael Hayden began
enlisting the private sector to build the NSA's data ops.
Why Obama’s NSA Reforms Won’t Solve Silicon Valley’s Trust Problem
jeudi 20 février 2014
jeudi 6 février 2014
corporate warfare
Anarcho-capitalism (also referred to as free-market anarchism, market anarchism, and private-property anarchism) is a political philosophy which advocates the elimination of the state in favor of individual sovereignty in a free market. In an anarcho-capitalist society, law enforcement, courts, and all other security services would be provided by privately funded competitors rather than through taxation, and money would be privately and competitively provided in an open market. Therefore, personal and economic activities under anarcho-capitalism would be regulated by privately run law rather than through politics. ( ?cato-institute from the kochtopus)
America’s Persecuted Minority : Big Business (1961)Ayn Rand
Anarcho-capitalism (also referred to as free-market anarchism, market anarchism, and private-property anarchism) is a political philosophy which advocates the elimination of the state in favor of individual sovereignty in a free market. In an anarcho-capitalist society, law enforcement, courts, and all other security services would be provided by privately funded competitors rather than through taxation, and money would be privately and competitively provided in an open market. Therefore, personal and economic activities under anarcho-capitalism would be regulated by privately run law rather than through politics. ( ?cato-institute from the kochtopus)
America’s Persecuted Minority : Big Business (1961)Ayn Rand
vendredi 17 janvier 2014
the myth of the
the myth of the nuclear apocalypse
Why is it a myth? This is a fabulous story that can feature both obscure origins of the world 's cataclysmic end . It speaks of cosmogonic myths or eschatological myths . A myth is a "simplified image, often illusory" that men accept about a man or an event, past, present or future , and influencing " their behavior or appreciation" . As for the Apocalypse , the last book of the Bible. This word means "revelation" about what should happen at the end of time , that is to say, the destruction of the forces of evil and the triumph of the heavenly Jerusalem, the City of God . However, on 6 and 9 August 1945, the destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic weapons was to tell the Emperor of Japan that " the bombs of the most cruel , the incalculable destructive power could lead to the disappearance of the Japanese nation and the total extinction of human civilization. " The myth of nuclear Apocalypse was born in fire , blood and tears. Since then, thinkers and philosophers, theologians and atheists, strategists and ordinary citizens , have helped shape the myth of a possible destruction of humanity by nuclear fire .
Durch Artikel zur Geschichte,
Gegenwart, Philosophie, Theologie und Ästhetik der Apokalyptik und des
Heiligen Krieges in verschiedenen Denk- Glaubens- und
Kunstrichtungen möchten wir die
kritische Aufmerksamkeit darauf lenken, dass sich in unseren Tagen
weltweit eine Kultur des Endzeitdenkens und des militanten Messianismus
ausbreitet und intensiviert. Für die religiöse Apokalyptik haben wir in
unserem grundsätzlichen Beitrag Die apokalyptische Matrix gezeigt, dass alle Religionen
demselben apokalyptischen Muster folgen, selbst wenn sie sich gegenseitig
Eine weitere Inspiration, um das Ungeheuerliche in Worten zu fassen, entlehnte Oppenheimer aus dem indischen Kulturkreis. Zwei Tage vor der Explosion hatte er, selber des Sanskrits mächtig, einige Zeilen aus dem Original der Bhagavadgita übersetzt. Als er dann den ersten atomaren Pilz erblickte, kam ihm erneut das indische Kriegsgedicht ins Gedächtnis: „Ich erinnerte mich einer Zeile aus der Hindu Schrift, der Bhagavadgita. Vishnu [...] verwandelt sich in eine vielarmige Gestalt und sagt: ‚Jetzt bin ich der Tod geworden, der Zerstörer der Welt.’ Wir dachten wohl alle etwas ähnliches.“ Bei der Explosion klammerte sich Oppenheimer an den Pfosten im Kontrollstand und deklamierte laut: „Wenn das Licht von Tausend Sonnen – Am Himmel plötzlich bräch’ hervor – Zu gleicher Zeit, das wäre – Gleich dem Glanz dieses Herrlichen.“
Häufig verweisen
Hindu-Ideologen der Religiösen
Rechten auf die Bhagavadgita-Sätze Oppenheimers, um zu „beweisen“, dass
die Atombombe ihren eigentlichen Ursprung im indischen Kulturkreis hat und
dass der traditionelle Hinduismus schon in Urzeiten mit modernster Technik
kombiniert wurde. „In Indien werden Oppenheimers Worte zunehmend durch
einem neuen Typus von Hindu-Aktivisten zitiert. Für sie zeigt sein Gebrauch
ihrer Heiligen Texte, dass die
Hindu-Ideen von der Göttlichkeit mit der modernen Zeit verknüpft sind.
Feuer und Feuerrituale sind ein wesentliches Element des Hinduismus. Sie
sagen, dass das Antlitz des Schöpfergottes Vishnu wie ein nuklearer Blitz
aufleuchtet.“ – schreibt der Journalist Robert Marquand.

Im Sanskrit bedeutet Schrift „shastra“ und Waffe „shaastra“. Es ist ein tief eingesessenes Konzept der indischen Kultur, dass man die Schrift in der einen und die Waffe in der anderen Hand hält. (9) Tatsächlich wimmelt es in den traditionellen Texten Indien von Superwaffen. Im Nationalepos Mahabharata ist von Sprengsätzen die Rede, die einen Zerstörungseffekt wie „fallende Sonnen“ haben, die „gigantische Boten des Todes“ sind und die „alles zu Asche verbrennen“. Der Held Arjuna muss versprechen, von einer Waffe mit dem Namen Brahmasira keinen Gebrauch gegen Menschen zu machen, weil sie ansonsten die Erde vernichten werde. Auch in dem Epos Ramayana kommt eine Waffe zum Einsatz, von der es heißt, sie sei „stärker als die Hitze von Tausend Sonnen.“
Krishna (Vishnu), Shiva und Rama sind Indiens Nukleargötter. Aber nicht nur die „Bombe“, sondern ebenso ihr gesamtes militärisches Umfeld wurde mythologisiert: Der Name der Mittelstreckenrakete „Agni“ leitete sich von dem indischen Feuergott gleichen Namens ab. „Trishul“, eine andere Raketengattung, bedeutet „Dreizack“ und verweist wiederum auf Lord Shiva und seine tödliche Waffe. Auch die verschiedenen indischen Atom-Tests tragen religiöse Namen wie „das Lächeln des Buddha“ (1974) und „Shakti“ (1998).
Die „Bombe“ ist somit in Indien zu einem kulturellen Phänomen geworden, das sowohl die Innenwelt wie die Außenwelt gläubiger Hindus in höchste Erregung versetzt. A-Bomben „explodieren“ deswegen nicht nur auf den Versuchgeländen in Pokhran, sondern auch in den Feuerimaginationen indischer Yogis und in den Propaganda-Schriften der Religiösen Rechten. Für sie „sind Nuklearwaffen ein Herzstück in ihrer Vision von Indien und sie werden als nichts Geringeres angesehen als die technische Manifestation einer göttlichen Kraft oder spirituellen Energie, die sowohl die politische wie die militärische Macht untermauern.“
Despite the Dalai Lama’s constant affirmations, still repeated today, that his flight took place without any external influence, it was in fact played out months in advance in Washington by high military officials. Everything went as planned. In 1959, the American-trained guerillas collected His Holiness from his summer residence (in Lhasa). During the long trek to the Indian border the underground fighters were in constant radio contact with the Americans and were supplied with food and equipment by aircraft. We learn from an “initiate” that “this fantastic escape and its major significance have been buried in the lore of the CIA as one of the successes that are not talked about. The Dalai Lama would never have been saved without the CIA” (Grunfeld, 1996, pp. 155-156).The flight, organized by the CIA and tolerated by the Chinese, was later mythologized by the western press and the Dalai Lama himself into a divine exodus. There was mysterious talk of a “mystic cloud” which was supposed to have veiled the column of refugees during the long trek to India and protected them from the view of and attack by the Chinese enemy. The CIA airplanes which gave the refugees air cover and provided them with supplies of food became Chinese “reconnaissance” flights which circled above the fleeing god-king but, thanks to wondrous providence and the “mystic cloud”, were unable to discern anything.
India sheltered Dalai Lama for nuclear technology – US aide /
`Gen. Eisenhower believed that India could be persuaded to grant
poilitical asylum to the Dalai Lama, but knew he would have to offer
some very strong incentives. Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru,
was a notorious hard bargainer, and the favour Gen. Eisenhower was
asking carried great risk to India,'' Mr. Corson said in his summary of
``The Dalai Lama and the Indian Bomb''.
In addition, the whole nuclear display
between India and Pakistan symbolically heralds the Shambhala war prophesied in the Kalachakra Tantra. The bomb of the smiling Buddha was “the signal for the Pakistanis to forcefully
pursue the development of the Islamic bomb” and to test it (Spiegel, 21/1998) — a foretaste of
what awaits us when (according to the Shambhala
myth) Buddhists and Moslems face each other in the final battle.

Wie stark sich Apokalyptik und kriegerischer Messianismus in allen Glaubensrichtungen ausweiten zeigen die renommierten Religionsforscher Victor und Victoria Trimondi, deren letzten Bücher große Medienereignisse waren, in ihrem neuen Standardwerk über den global sich ausbreitenden Doomsday-Wahn. „Die Endzeit-Ideologien aller Fundamentalisten weisen dieselben apokalyptischen Grundmuster auf, so die These der beiden Autoren. Wobei der Gott des einen, der Teufel des anderen ist und umgekehrt. Apokalyptik, warnen die beiden, ist keine fromme Spinnerei, sondern höchst gefährlich, weil sie zu grausamen Religionskriegen führen könne. Apokalyptiker glauben fest, dass durch die Zerstörung der bestehenden bösen und sündigen Welt eine neue gute und paradiesische Welt geschaffen werden kann.“ (Aus Sonntagsblatt – Titelstory vom 12.02.06: „Mahdi, Jesus, Messias – Wie endzeitliche Prophetien die Nahostpolitik prägen“)
Why is it a myth? This is a fabulous story that can feature both obscure origins of the world 's cataclysmic end . It speaks of cosmogonic myths or eschatological myths . A myth is a "simplified image, often illusory" that men accept about a man or an event, past, present or future , and influencing " their behavior or appreciation" . As for the Apocalypse , the last book of the Bible. This word means "revelation" about what should happen at the end of time , that is to say, the destruction of the forces of evil and the triumph of the heavenly Jerusalem, the City of God . However, on 6 and 9 August 1945, the destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic weapons was to tell the Emperor of Japan that " the bombs of the most cruel , the incalculable destructive power could lead to the disappearance of the Japanese nation and the total extinction of human civilization. " The myth of nuclear Apocalypse was born in fire , blood and tears. Since then, thinkers and philosophers, theologians and atheists, strategists and ordinary citizens , have helped shape the myth of a possible destruction of humanity by nuclear fire .
Apokalyptischer Nuklearismus
und die Sakralisierung der Bombe
von Victor und
Victoria Trimondi
Die Konstruktion, die Zündung
und die Verbreitung von Nuklear-Waffen hatten von Beginn an einen prägenden
Einfluss auf das apokalyptische Denken. So ist der Einsatz von A-Waffen ein
Szenario, das in keiner „modernen“ Apokalyptik mehr fehlt. Seit den
Explosionen der Bomben von Los Alamos, Hiroshima und Nagasaki werden
Zerstörungs-Passagen aus den traditionellen Endzeit-Texten der Religionen
als Beschreibungen eines atomaren Holocausts gedeutet. In der Tat ist die
Apokalypse seit der „Bombe“ mehr als ein religiöses Phantasma: „Die
Existenz solcher Waffen verwischt somit die Jahrtausende alten
Unterscheidungen zwischen der Phantasie einer Weltvernichtung (ob von
paranoiden Schizophrenen, religiösen Visionären oder auch von ganz normalen
Menschen in ihren Träumen) und der Fähigkeit, diese Phantasie Wirklichkeit
werden zu lassen.“ – schreibt der amerikanische Gewaltforscher Robert
Lifton. Schon in den 50er Jahren machte der Schweizer Tiefenpsychologe
C. G. Jung einen Vergleich zwischen Apokalypse und atomarem Wettrüsten:
„Die vier unheimlichen Reiter, die drohenden Posaunenstöße und die
auszuschüttenden Zornschalen warten schon oder noch: die Atombombe hängt
über uns wie ein Damoklesschwert, und dahinter lauern die unvergleichlich
furchtbaren Möglichkeiten des chemischen Luftkrieges, der selbst die Gräuel
der Apokalypse in den Schatten stellen könnte.“ Heute, kurz nach dem 9/11,
sprechen auch viele säkular eingestellte Kulturologen von der Gefahr eines
„apokalyptischen Nuklearismus“. Der Begriff hat sich mittlerweile
Die unmenschlich erscheinende
Gewalt der „Bombe“, hat diese zu einem Objekt religiöser Spekulationen
gemacht. Dabei wird sie jedoch keineswegs immer als ein Instrument des
Teufels angesehen. Im Gegenteil, sie tritt unserer Kenntnis nach weit
häufiger als ein Instrument Gottes auf, der mit ihrem selbst getätigten
oder befohlenen Einsatz entweder die sündige Menschheit insgesamt strafen
will oder seine Feinde und die jeweils Ungläubigen vernichtet. Beigetragen
zu dieser „Gottgefälligkeit“ der Bombe haben wesentlich Bilder aus der Johannes-Apokalypse, in denen Feuer
vom Himmel fällt, Flüsse ausgedorrt, Quellen verseucht und Menschenleiber
verbrannt werden. Ein atomarer Holocaust könnte mit Worten nicht viel
besser beschrieben werden, wie es in der Offenbarung geschieht.
Sakralisierung der Bombe durch Robert Oppenheimer
Die „Sakralisierung der
Bombe“ begann mit der Stunde ihrer Taufe, denn die erste Atombombe, die am
16. Juni 1945 in der Wüste von Los Alamos explodierte, trug den Namen „Trinity“, Dreifaltigkeit. Der „Vater
der Bombe“, der Atomphysiker Robert Oppenheimer (1904 - 1967) hatte sich
von zwei Gedichten seines Lieblingspoeten John Donne (1572 - 1631) zu
dieser Bezeichnung inspirieren lassen. In einem davon wird das
apokalyptische Motiv von Tod und Auferstehung angesprochen. Dort heißt es:
„Wie West und Ost auf allen flachen
Karten – und ich bin eine – eins sind, so berührt der Tod die Auferstehung.“ Donne beschreibt den Dreifaltigen Gott (Trinity) als eine Art Vergewaltiger, der sein williges „Opfer“
durch Terror zur Heiligkeit zwingt: „Bezwinge
mich und richte alle Kraft darauf, mich zu brechen, schüren, brennen und
neu zu formen“, liest Oppenheimer bei dem Renaissance Dichter, als er
darüber nachgrübelt, wie er die erste Atombombe benennen soll.Eine weitere Inspiration, um das Ungeheuerliche in Worten zu fassen, entlehnte Oppenheimer aus dem indischen Kulturkreis. Zwei Tage vor der Explosion hatte er, selber des Sanskrits mächtig, einige Zeilen aus dem Original der Bhagavadgita übersetzt. Als er dann den ersten atomaren Pilz erblickte, kam ihm erneut das indische Kriegsgedicht ins Gedächtnis: „Ich erinnerte mich einer Zeile aus der Hindu Schrift, der Bhagavadgita. Vishnu [...] verwandelt sich in eine vielarmige Gestalt und sagt: ‚Jetzt bin ich der Tod geworden, der Zerstörer der Welt.’ Wir dachten wohl alle etwas ähnliches.“ Bei der Explosion klammerte sich Oppenheimer an den Pfosten im Kontrollstand und deklamierte laut: „Wenn das Licht von Tausend Sonnen – Am Himmel plötzlich bräch’ hervor – Zu gleicher Zeit, das wäre – Gleich dem Glanz dieses Herrlichen.“
Die Hindu-Bombe
Obgleich der Begriff von der
„islamischen Bombe“ als religiöse Metapher zuerst die Runde um die Welt
machte, fand die „Hindu-Bombe“ oder „Brahmanen-Bombe“ eine weit umfassendere
Sakralisierung und das aus drei Gründen: Einmal wegen Oppenheimers oben
genanntem Zitat aus der Bhagavadgita;
dann aus der Tatsache, dass in vielen anderen traditionellen Heiligen
Texten Indiens von Waffensystemen die Rede ist, die an A-Bomben erinnern;
und drittens weil dort ausgehend von sakralen Yoga-Techniken das Zündung
einer „inneren Atombombe“ gelehrt wird.
Im Sanskrit bedeutet Schrift „shastra“ und Waffe „shaastra“. Es ist ein tief eingesessenes Konzept der indischen Kultur, dass man die Schrift in der einen und die Waffe in der anderen Hand hält. (9) Tatsächlich wimmelt es in den traditionellen Texten Indien von Superwaffen. Im Nationalepos Mahabharata ist von Sprengsätzen die Rede, die einen Zerstörungseffekt wie „fallende Sonnen“ haben, die „gigantische Boten des Todes“ sind und die „alles zu Asche verbrennen“. Der Held Arjuna muss versprechen, von einer Waffe mit dem Namen Brahmasira keinen Gebrauch gegen Menschen zu machen, weil sie ansonsten die Erde vernichten werde. Auch in dem Epos Ramayana kommt eine Waffe zum Einsatz, von der es heißt, sie sei „stärker als die Hitze von Tausend Sonnen.“
Krishna (Vishnu), Shiva und Rama sind Indiens Nukleargötter. Aber nicht nur die „Bombe“, sondern ebenso ihr gesamtes militärisches Umfeld wurde mythologisiert: Der Name der Mittelstreckenrakete „Agni“ leitete sich von dem indischen Feuergott gleichen Namens ab. „Trishul“, eine andere Raketengattung, bedeutet „Dreizack“ und verweist wiederum auf Lord Shiva und seine tödliche Waffe. Auch die verschiedenen indischen Atom-Tests tragen religiöse Namen wie „das Lächeln des Buddha“ (1974) und „Shakti“ (1998).
Die „Bombe“ ist somit in Indien zu einem kulturellen Phänomen geworden, das sowohl die Innenwelt wie die Außenwelt gläubiger Hindus in höchste Erregung versetzt. A-Bomben „explodieren“ deswegen nicht nur auf den Versuchgeländen in Pokhran, sondern auch in den Feuerimaginationen indischer Yogis und in den Propaganda-Schriften der Religiösen Rechten. Für sie „sind Nuklearwaffen ein Herzstück in ihrer Vision von Indien und sie werden als nichts Geringeres angesehen als die technische Manifestation einer göttlichen Kraft oder spirituellen Energie, die sowohl die politische wie die militärische Macht untermauern.“
Der XIV.
Dalai Lama und die Hindu-Bombe
Die erste indische Atombombe
wurde am vermeintlichen Geburtstag des Buddhas gezündet (1974) und trug den
Namen „lächelnder Buddha“. Diese für eine Nuklearexplosion erstaunliche
Bezeichnung mag auch deswegen zustande gekommen sein, weil das Oberhaupt
des tibetischen Buddhismus, der XIV. Dalai Lama, mit dem Ereignis in einem
mittelbaren Zusammenhang stand. In einem geheimen „Deal“ zwischen dem
indischen Ministerpräsidenten Jawaharlal Nehru und Washington wurde nämlich
1958 vereinbart, dass Indien dem Religionsführer Asyl gewährt und dass es
als Gegenleistung die Hilfe der USA beim Aufbau eines Atomwaffenprogramms
durch die Ausbildung von 400 indischen Wissenschaftlern erhält, die dann
später die „Bombe“ gebaut hätten.Despite the Dalai Lama’s constant affirmations, still repeated today, that his flight took place without any external influence, it was in fact played out months in advance in Washington by high military officials. Everything went as planned. In 1959, the American-trained guerillas collected His Holiness from his summer residence (in Lhasa). During the long trek to the Indian border the underground fighters were in constant radio contact with the Americans and were supplied with food and equipment by aircraft. We learn from an “initiate” that “this fantastic escape and its major significance have been buried in the lore of the CIA as one of the successes that are not talked about. The Dalai Lama would never have been saved without the CIA” (Grunfeld, 1996, pp. 155-156).The flight, organized by the CIA and tolerated by the Chinese, was later mythologized by the western press and the Dalai Lama himself into a divine exodus. There was mysterious talk of a “mystic cloud” which was supposed to have veiled the column of refugees during the long trek to India and protected them from the view of and attack by the Chinese enemy. The CIA airplanes which gave the refugees air cover and provided them with supplies of food became Chinese “reconnaissance” flights which circled above the fleeing god-king but, thanks to wondrous providence and the “mystic cloud”, were unable to discern anything.
India sheltered Dalai Lama for nuclear technology – US aide /
`Gen. Eisenhower believed that India could be persuaded to grant
poilitical asylum to the Dalai Lama, but knew he would have to offer
some very strong incentives. Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru,
was a notorious hard bargainer, and the favour Gen. Eisenhower was
asking carried great risk to India,'' Mr. Corson said in his summary of
``The Dalai Lama and the Indian Bomb''.
In the opinion of the Indian military
as well, the religion of the Buddha appears to be not so pacifist as it is
presented to us here in the West. Why else would the first Indian nuclear
weapons tests (in 1974) have been referred to under the secret code of “The
Lord Buddha has smiled!”? Why were the spectacular tests in 1998
deliberately launched on the birthday of the Gautama Buddha? (Focus, 21/1998, p. 297; Spiegel, 21/1998, p. 162). In fact
the sole “living Buddha” at this time, the Dalai Lama, has a profound
interest in the Indian atomic tests. For him ("as the smiling third
party”) a confrontation between the two Asian giants (China and India) would be of great political
advantage. It was thus only logical that the “god-king” from Tibet gave the demonstration of a nuclear
capability by his host country the Buddhist blessing. While the whole
world, especially the heads of state of the G8 countries gathered at the
time in Birmingham, protested sharply (President Bill
Clinton spoke of “a terrible mistake”) the Tibetan “Nobel peace prize
winner” approved of the Indian bomb. “India should not”, said the Dalai Lama “be
pressured by developed nations to get rid of nuclear weapons. ... It should
have the same access to nuclear weapons as developed countries. ... The
assumption of the concept that few nations are ok to possess nuclear
weapons and the rest of the world should not — that's undemocratic”
(Associated Press, May 13, 1998). But the disastrous implication of such a
statement is that any nation ought to be able to acquire nuclear weapons
simply because other countries also possess them. It should be obvious that
the Indian public was enthusiastic about the Kundun’s approbation. “If a man of peace like Dalai Lama can approve
of India's nuclear position,” one Mamata Shah wrote on the Internet,
“Gandhi too would have no hesitation in approving it” (Nospamlchow,
Newsgroup 8).
Die christliche Bombe
Der Abwurf der Atombomben über Hiroshima und Nagasaki löste in den USA, ein allgemeines Interesse an Bibelprophezeiungen und an der Johannesapokalypse im besonderen aus. Man verwies damals darauf, die Bombe sei von dem Apostel Petrus vorhergesagt worden. Am Tag des Herrn, heißt es im 2. Petrus-Brief, „wird der Himmel prasselnd vergehen, die Elemente werden verbrannt und aufgelöst, die Erde und alles, was auf ihr ist, werden (nicht mehr) gefunden.“ (2. Petrus 3: 10) Aus dieser Zeit stammt auch ein apokalyptischer Bestseller mit dem Titel „Dieses Atomzeitalter und das Wort Gottes“ (This Atomic Age and the word of God). Eine populäre Kurzfassung davon wurde im Readers Digest abgedruckt. Der christlich fundamentalistische Autor Wilbur Smith nutzte damals die Existenz der Nuklearwaffen als einen Beweis dafür, dass die wortwörtliche Auslegung der Bibel richtig sei. „So wurde die Atombombe zu einem sehr bedeutsamen Ereignis in der Geschichte des apokalyptischen Glaubens Amerikas.“ – fasst der Religionssoziologe Paul Boyer seine Studie über die „Zeichen der Endzeit“ zusammen.Wie stark sich Apokalyptik und kriegerischer Messianismus in allen Glaubensrichtungen ausweiten zeigen die renommierten Religionsforscher Victor und Victoria Trimondi, deren letzten Bücher große Medienereignisse waren, in ihrem neuen Standardwerk über den global sich ausbreitenden Doomsday-Wahn. „Die Endzeit-Ideologien aller Fundamentalisten weisen dieselben apokalyptischen Grundmuster auf, so die These der beiden Autoren. Wobei der Gott des einen, der Teufel des anderen ist und umgekehrt. Apokalyptik, warnen die beiden, ist keine fromme Spinnerei, sondern höchst gefährlich, weil sie zu grausamen Religionskriegen führen könne. Apokalyptiker glauben fest, dass durch die Zerstörung der bestehenden bösen und sündigen Welt eine neue gute und paradiesische Welt geschaffen werden kann.“ (Aus Sonntagsblatt – Titelstory vom 12.02.06: „Mahdi, Jesus, Messias – Wie endzeitliche Prophetien die Nahostpolitik prägen“)
lundi 6 janvier 2014
"The Kochs cashed in by polluting our planet - economists would call them free-riders - and now they wield their wealth to rig the rules in their own favor...Leading an epic propaganda effort by the broader fossil fuel industry, global climate cooperation may face no bigger barrier blocking progress today than these two individuals of undue influence."
"The tentacles of the Kochtopus: What you need to know about the financiers of the Radical Right"
"Acting as a single financial and political entity, the two oil barons from Wichita are today's top spenders on efforts to stop climate policy solutions in the planet's most polluting nation, and hold hostage any progress in Washington that underpins the deadlock at COP 18 in Doha. Advancing constructive UN climate negotiations requires urgent and substantial changes in domestic US dynamics to reduce the role of the Kochs specifically - and private money generally - corrupting policy outcomes," the report states.
"The Kochs cashed in by polluting our planet - economists would call them free-riders - and now they wield their wealth to rig the rules in their own favor...Leading an epic propaganda effort by the broader fossil fuel industry, global climate cooperation may face no bigger barrier blocking progress today than these two individuals of undue influence."
"The tentacles of the Kochtopus: What you need to know about the financiers of the Radical Right"
"Acting as a single financial and political entity, the two oil barons from Wichita are today's top spenders on efforts to stop climate policy solutions in the planet's most polluting nation, and hold hostage any progress in Washington that underpins the deadlock at COP 18 in Doha. Advancing constructive UN climate negotiations requires urgent and substantial changes in domestic US dynamics to reduce the role of the Kochs specifically - and private money generally - corrupting policy outcomes," the report states.
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